Sole being a psychologist:

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•This surprisingly might make it harder for her to warm up and be comfortable around you, believe it or not.

•Basically from what she understands is that you take pride in invading people's minds, making it your business to know their innermost personal traits. Although this isn't truly the case, she treats it as so.


•It may not be biology, but shit, she's beyond excited to be able to speak with someone in a somewhat similar field as her. She..she may not fully grasp some of the concepts you bring up, but she'll happily learn along the way so long as it means the two of you can keep "feeding" each other information.

•Might propose a collaboration in delving into ethical social experiments.


•It's somewhat of an odd situation with Danse.

•He's the type of person that enjoys learning new things whenever they surface, so in that respect he's enthusiastic about conversing your former line of work.

•However he also opens up to you more than he would others because he feels like you may be able to grant some solution to his turmoil (having been canonically diagnosed with PTSD)..but he never fully approaches the subject.


•Greatly respects your study and may even ask you a few things here and there. Takes notes religiously as well.

•The majority of his questions will of course be work related, seeing if you can help him find different ways to manipulate the ways people perceive situations and such.


•Ignorantly regards you as a therapist and becomes tight-lipped. Well, as much as Gage can.

•You start spewing about the obvious problems he has, he'll just punch you on the shoulder and tell you to shut it.


•Kind of in the same boat as Cait, only he is equally as intrigued as he is cautious.


•To Mac, you're quite the oddity. He can't begin to indeed stand why you'd even consider studying that..but he thinks it's kind of interesting.

•Not something for him..but he knows having you around can prove to be useful.


•Considers you a valuable asset to the Brotherhood, quickly granting you an appropriate rank equal to Captain Cade.

• Unfortunately is probably going to assign scribes to shadow you and learn.

•If you manage to become close to him, Arthur may also allow you to evaluate him. Nothing you say will probably shock him, but maybe you'll be able to convince him to stop stressing out too much. Eh..


•Also sees the value of your abilities and knowledge. Probably even becomes friends faster because of your former occupation, seeing as detectives and psychologists go together like peanut butter and jelly.


•Let's just face it..she's probably going to ask if you know how to tell if someone's lying and crazy shit like that.


•Indifferent. You're his general .

•Rather enjoys talking about your field with you. Sure, he may take an interest in psychology in less than ethical ways- but for his line of work, understanding how a mind works is crucial to his success.

•Don't try to psychoanalyze him though, he'll see it and won't appreciate it very much.

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