Companions react to sole being high ater getting wisdom teeth pulled

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"Get your ass away from there! You can't fly!"


"Ha..enjoy it while it lasts. I'm afraid to admit once the drug wares off you'll be in some pain."


"Come on, Soldier. I'll make sure you're safe and can properly recover, but for now you need to rest and get the drugs out of your system."


"Hm? Oh yeah, I see the ghoulified super mutant too!"


"Get yourself together damnit. Do you know how easy it would be for an uprising to happen right now? You can't even stop drooling..for fuck's sake.."


"Mind if I take a hit of whatcha got? I'll get some teeth pulled if that's what it takes. Looks like you're having one helluva trip."


"Dang it, please don't tell me that I've become your babysitter too..I can't-."


"Knight, I think it's best that youre absolved from your duties until further notice. Please..please stop touching my're making a fool of us both."


"I know my eyes look funny, stop pointing it out..step away from the light switch, we all know that they's not that entertaining."

Old Longfellow:

"I don't see why you couldn't just leave them in.."


"General, I seriously think you should just take an off day. You don't seem to be yourself, eh..that and you're going to end up busting a stitch."


" uh, don't look too good. Why don't we go bring you back home?"


"Look, you start climbing walls again..don't come crying to me when it crumbles down. I ain't finished with the repairs on that side just yet.."


"Calm down, you'll be alright. I suggest that you retire to your quarters though, be a shame if you made a fool of yourself.."

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