Scream (x6-88)

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There was no denying your lover was intense. It was simply the way he operated. Such goes for his personality, the way he carries himself, and most remarkably, the way he shows you his love.

See, even in a position of dominance, X6 still found a way to remind you of how fragile you were. How easily he could break you, even if that wasn't exactly the message he wished to relay.

So even sitting atop his face, you knew better than to think for a second the control was in your hands. The only freedom he allowed you was the speed of which you moved your hips.

It was maddening. He ravaged you in every way possible, tongue brutalizing your clit way past the point of overstimulation. Screams and cries helplessly streaming from your lips until to be silenced with a threatening hand to your throat, squeezing just the slightest bit tighter when he felt your tears roll down his fingers. True, some may not be able to withstand such violent love but you? You've learned to openly embrace it.

The sounds of your pathetic gargled screams and whimpers were nothing compared to the lewd noise his tongue made as it rapidly worked you towards yet another orgasm- and yet the most captivating sensation was felt whenever you happened to look down past the hand and at his cold, nearly unfazed eyes.

How could someone doing this be so unbothered? No sense of remorse- and frankly, no sign of arousal despite his obvious erection prodding the weak arm you used in a poor attempt to hold yourself up. Ah, but that only brought up another point- the only reliable stability you currently had was the hand wrapped so snugly, so securely around your throat. The same hand that finally caused your vision to blur and tongue to go numb, a mild sour taste filling your mouth as the last bits of air became impossible to grasp-

Who's to say what happened next. Orgasm or blacking out. Regardless, the next thing you remembered is waking up to the sunlight pouring into your quaint bedroom and a glass of water at your bedside table.

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