Reacting to sole wanting sex while watching a horror movie:

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(Imma do this more headcanon-ish style. Also I'm guessing this is more of a pre-war/modern! AU)


•I don't know if anyone remembers my horror movie Headcanons, but honestly? She is happy with the distraction.

•Play your cards right and she'll end up taking charge herself and see if she can make you scream louder than the poor vics on the TV.

•Probably will laugh if she ends up catching a glimpse of a coincidental sex scene going on while she's screwing your brains out.


•probably will naively ask why you want to interrupt the movie and if you'd maybe prefer another one instead. However once she realizes what's going down, she just kind of blushes and turns down the volume on the TV. She won't be able to handle it if she listens to some random person getting choked out whilst in the midst of sex.

•Probably will turn off the TV all together.


•This is one of those instances where Danse is secretly thanking a higher power.

•He'll all too enthusiastically return your kisses, turning away from the screen all the way so he can drown out what's going on.

•Even opts to start out the night's events by going down on you, partly because he likes seeing you give home that hazy little love-struck stare, and also because he's totally going to use your thighs as his earmuffs- adjusting them to where he can no matter what.


•Is super amused by this.

•Probably going to just pull you onto his lap and start prepping you, eye still glued to the screen, before making you take his cock and lazily fuck until the movie is over.


•Sex or movie?

•He's going to completely ignore whatever is happening from the moment you start kissing him until the very end of the movie. He's more than happy to do whatever your little heart desires.

•Still is going to insist the two of you finish up the movie after you cum.


• totally the kind of person to be into this.

•Turns off the movie so nothing gets spoiled for later on before insisting the two of you try some risky positions on the couch. One being a sitting 69, best of luck.


•Quickly figures a way for the two of you to make it work.

•Doesn't even need to pause the movie, just keeps on watching as he pushes away any clothes that may prove to be an obstacle before taking you doggystyle.


•I'm sorry. But he doesn't watch horror movies. Wanna take grandpa robot to bed? Woo him.


•He'll probably just laugh at the timing, cuddling up to you to tease you just the slightest bit.

•Believe it or not, he's cruel enough to keep you hot and bothered for the remainder of the movie.


•She gets pissed if you talk during the movie..

•Don't attempt.

Skinny Malone:

•He'll probably tease you, playfully reprimanding you for not having enough patience to "finish what you started"

•Nonetheless, he isn't one to leave you unsatisfied for long. After a couple minutes of you whining, he'll gesture for you to come closer and have his way from there.


•Is scarily nonchalant about it, just giving a curt nod.

•If you give him oral, he'll absentmindedly take a fistful of your hair and push you up and down his cock- gaining speed with the building intensity of the scene.

•His reward for doing this will be him repaying the favor, only he'll pause very once in a while and watch as the killer claims another victim- trying desperately to repress the urge to criticize the manner of their death.

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