"Waiting is the worst" Elder Maxson x Preg! Reader

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"Waiting Is The Worst" (Elder Maxson x Pregnant! SoSu)
Time has forever been a peculiar thing, hasn't it? It surely seemed so. For instance, never in all of your life had you expected for your reality to be what it is now. A life of pleasantries, picket fences, and bright flowers turned to awakening in an icy tomb with nothing but the desire to find your son as the only fuel, serving as the only piece of normalcy in a land of devastation and strange creatures. But that was behind you now...that woman that cried out for her long lost life in the night having been blown to smithereens alongside her last tie to the old life when the Institue fell. Miraculously, after you the ashes had settled from your victory- you rose like a Phoenix, healed and brand new, healed enough to find the love within your heart for someone you certainly never would've expected.

Thus, bringing you to here..

The Prydwen hadn't ever been a suitable home. It was constantly under attack, noisy, and frankly- uncomfortable. At least it was uncomfortable when compared to the much nicer, bigger room and bed that your husband possessed back at The Capital. Perks were certainly to be had considering not only his rank, but your own. Yet another surprise of your time in the wasteland- never were you to be regarded as the "vault-dweller", no, now you are forever to be known as "Sentinel" or even.."Sentinel Maxson, Wife of Elder Maxson." However there was a new title coming that excited you more than anything else, one that would perhaps help heal the last bit of your time-wounded soul.

"I trust the little one hasn't been disrupting your duties too terribly much, Sentinel." An all too familiar voice interrupted your train of thought, quickly being followed by an unceremonious "thud" of his trademark coat as he carelessly let it slip from his shoulder and land on the steel floor.

Spinning around in your chair, you allowed your pen to rest atop the heap of paperwork. "Can't say they've been a burden, Elder." You tried your very best to respond in the way you would've had it been a professional report, failing as soon as he bent down to your level and placed both hands on the chair's arms.

That was when he graced you with an abnormally jubilant grin, his icy blue eyes warmer than you'd ever seen before as he leaned in to press a tender kiss to your forehead. "Damn, I've missed you.." He whispered, his raven beard tickling your face as he spoke- his very voice holding the same excitement it had when you first broke the good news to him.

"Same to you, Arthur." You sweetly tittered, heat flushing your face as your lover slowly descended onto his knees so he could reach the subject of your mutual excitement.

With a dreamy look in his eyes and a proud smile, your usually stoic love nuzzled his face against your swollen belly. An action that vaguely reminded you of your lost lifetime, one shared with another man and another babe within your belly. But once more, those days and the woman you once were had died long ago now.

Roughly two years ago, to be exact.

Now, there was not just one- but two babes within your belly. Two precious children to fully make you and your husband a family. Wow, the mere thought of that filled you with the type of joy you thought to be unattainable after living in the wastes. Of course, that glorious feeling was mutual- nothing excited Arthur more than finally having a true family of his own, to finally be able to carry on his bloodline and make the Brotherhood proud.

Sighing, you ran your hands through his slicked back hair- tugging the slightest bit to draw his attention back to you. Of course that caused those striking eyes to flicker up at you and receive a playful warning growl from their owner. "Watch yourself, (y/n)." He drawled, raising to his feet before beckoning for you to follow him to your shared bed. "Now come on, I think it's time for you to rest- Steel knows you deserve it."

Who were you to argue with that?

You glanced back over to your unfinished paperwork with a slight scowl, a piece of you willing to wave off your husband's offer in favor for completing your work. Alas, it was irresistible. Even sitting, the late stage of your pregnancy exhausted you- hell, even walking from the bed to the desk made your ankles swell.

Did Shaun make your body ache this bad? Honestly you didn't think so.

Either way, you waddled your way into bed with your young husband, laying your head on his chest with his strong arm draped over your shoulder and his eyes trained on your swollen midsection. Perhaps he feared that if his vision strayed for too long, the bump would disappear. Being a first time father had to be scary, even for the revered Elder Of The East Coast Division.

"I can hardly believe that we're going to be parents.." His soft voice broke the silence, all traces of faux formality dying off with the joyful swelling sensation in his chest. "Any day now and we'll be holding two little bundles. Think they'll look alike like some twins? Oughta be interesting..mmh, I can't hardly wait." He mused, lovingly squeezing you to his chest.

"Calm down Arthur, we'll have these two out of me sometime time soon. But- you're right, I can't wait either. Then again, waiting is always the worst."

Luckily, neither of you would have to be waiting for much longer.

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