Human Shaun's thoughts on sole's romantic partner

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(Let's just get this out of the way...he's probably not going to like most of them. Okay? Good, you're prepared)


•Unashamedly voiced his disapproval.


•He's..he's somewhat torn with this one. On one hand, he and curie can hold an intelligent conversation and he admires her character..but she's still a synth.

•He just reminds himself of that.


•As soon as he sees the brotherhood emblem on the power armour, he will give you the most disheartening death glare.

•Appreciates that Danse seems to be a bit versed? Yeah..that. However he still considers him a threat.



•He will probably attempt to murder Deacon once he realizes what his occupation is.


•Honestly thinks his mom/dad could do so much better.

•A raider? As if the outside world hasn't already tainted you enough..


•*insert high-pitched confused screaming*

•Keep. That. Thing. Away.

•Shaun has no idea what a ghoul is and is mortified when he sees it.

•refers to Hancock as "it"


•Shaun views him as a stereotypical wastelander, which only confuses him as to why you choose to even be affiliated with him...


•He will just straight up lock you out of his room like a petulant child if you break the news to him. Don't you dare let him figure it out any other way either, it'll just infuriate him further.

•Are you crazy? He's the figurehead of the greatest threat to The Institue and are what to him? Not to mention he is considerably younger than you! Shaun might just throw a bitch fit over this one.


•Seriously questions your sanity.

•If you must find your way into the bed of a synth..why not the latest addition?

Old Longfellow:

•Shaun sees no reason to disapprove..but he does anyway. There is no true logical reason, which frustrates him if he dwells upon it, but personally? He can't get over the fact that this old man is romantically involved with his parent..especially since he was only a few years apart in age with the perpetrator in question.


•Don't you dare bring her anywhere near the institue. Other than that, he almost finds the arrangement entertaining. A woman so hell bent on exposing the institue in the bed of the person that created the Institue's leader. Interesting.


•He actually doesn't have a problem with Preston, so long as the Minutemen don't decide to go ape shit on the Institue. Shaun has full confidence that you can control Preston, maybe even form an alliance and persuade him over to his side..

•In addition to this, a piece of him respects Preston. He's devout in his mission of spreading compassion..very noble.



•Once he gets over that one, he sort of just ignores the situation. Whatever you chose to do with institue property is entirely up to you, just don't get too attached..

•On second thought..perhaps an entity with mechanical expertise would be advantageous..


•Please don't.

•Seeing as Shaun sees X6 as nothing more than a handy tool, he's seriously going to question your judgement. However he is not oblivious to the whole "falling in love with your guardian" in a strange way, he just sort of accepts it overtime.

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