X6-88 x F!SoSu

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(I'm sorry if this is kind of short, I just couldn't think of any buildup stuffs to put before the action 💀)

A courser was many things. They were absolute, deadly, the very best of the Institute's defense. They are known for their unmatched prowess in both hunting and combat. At the very base of their structure, coursers are relentless.

Perhaps knowing this only adds to the excitement of tonight's events.

See, X6-88,  your "own special courser", was a very difficult man to read. He is every bit of cold, calculating, and vast- his own being carrying the same mysterious wonder of the deep ocean...well..before it was horribly irradiated but that's besides the point.

Exhaling a soft shuddering breath through your nose, you tried your level best to push away these thoughts. It likely wasn't the best thing to think about when one is in a situation like you are anyways. Next stop found yourself completely unable to fathom any additional intruding thoughts, your gaze ensnared only seconds later by a pair of striking silver eyes no longer concealed by blackened lenses.

In a strange sense, the coolness of your lover's gaze only illuminated how cold you felt- having been stripped bare naked, fully presented to him with your only source of warmth being the equally frigid earth below you..and perhaps a couple articles of your discarded clothing. Usually you wouldn't have dared indulged in such carnal activities out in the open, afraid of what dangers you may be subjected to, but whenever X6 gets something in his head..well, it's like said- coursers are relentless by nature.

What was most peculiar was that he didn't seem too interested in his own desires, silently pushing your hands away when you had opted to remove his robes, instead he simply mumbled wanting to "practice something he heard of"...but hell, who are you to complain?

For just a mere second, your ever so stoic lover had a softened look within his eyes of ice. A look that appeared somehow simultaneously kind yet self satisfied, good enough to make you gasp just as he began to place descending kisses from your navel downwards- his intentions becoming crystal clear thus now sending your mind into a frenzy.

Did he even know what he was supposed to do? It was highly unlikely that coursers were given classes in...yet another intrusive thought.

Once he had reached his destination, he wasted no time at all with grabbing your thighs- his eagerness  causing  him to clasp with a smidge too much force while doing so. Oh well, bruises were the least of your worries judging by the way he so casually threw your legs over his shoulders. Without further adieu, the silver eyed man cautiously leaned in- for once seeming just the teeniest unsure as his gaze fluttered back and forth between your eyes and your weeping cunt. Whatever it was, X6 didn't entertain it for long, soon to simply lull his tongue out and give one experimental lick to see how you would react.

Seeing the small catch in your breath was all he needed. It was from then on out that his more brutal ways were once again shown. As though a race flare had been shot, X6 mercilessly descended upon you- causing your thighs to seize at the sudden harsh stimulation.

It was all one huge magnificent blur, whatever hesitation he may have appeared to have now magically gone and replaced by his tongue shoved between your folds. Now, he of course still has tact, knowing not to overdue it until you were good and ready- as such, he would contain himself in that respect for the time being.

"W-woah! X..x, slow it down!" You cried out into the dead silence of the cold night. Despite your choked plea, you couldn't help but arch your back, pushing your hips into him in hopes that he would continue on no matter how great the need to retreat from his touch was.

Nonetheless, he was enthused by this. Now using his gloved hands to hold your hips still, X6 teasingly traced a zig-zag type of formation over your opening- clueing you in on what his next objective was as he pointedly diverted his tongue's path upwards.

"Fuck.." you mewled, just barely over a whine once the realization hit. He wouldn't..but you knew better than that, you knew he most certainly would.

After a minute or two of repeating his little pattern, he tipped his head back the slightest bit and made no bones about flicking your clit with that demon tongue of his. That's when you gave him what he really wanted. No fear of wasteland horrors could stop you from screaming once he did that, his name falling free of your lips and your thighs suddenly tightening like a vice around his head. The brief thought of dying in such a position amused him as well, only further encouraging him to continue his brutal assault.

Try as you may, you couldn't console yourself. The intensity of the pleasure caused you to thrash around, only the forceful grip he had on your hips prevented you from doing so, making it to where you were completely at his mercy. The only thing you could do now was moan out and pray a deathclaw didnt hear you.

Eventually you couldn't contain it anymore, the coiling sensation of your impending orgasm tightening to a perilous edge until you no longer could take it. With a less than dignified cry, your fingernails dig into the dirt below you, and your heels digging into his back, you came all too soon.

What makes matters arguably better was that once he say you were properly satiated, he finally decided that he too wished to undress...

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