"Learning curve" Danse x F!SoSu Oral

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(Horny bitches. This may just end up being a series based off some old Headcanons I posted)

If there was one thing you knew about Danse, it was that he was a damn good soldier. He is nothing short of valiant, obedient, adaptable, and quick. Oh yes, he was damn good for many reasons- but there was one that also made him so good at being "your's". He was a quick learner. At least..that much was obvious right about now.

It was perhaps only an hour after your patrols on deck had came to an end, promptly meeting up with your Paladin in a way that was surely not as discreet as it probably should've been. Oh well, you were in love, people do dumb things when they are. Regardless, the two of you shared a small meal from the mess hall and a few drinks, indulged each other in light conversation..that became not quite as "light" momentarily.

There came a point in this conversation of your's that words seemed to no longer demonstrate what you wanted to express- a mutual desire brewed from absence felt between the two of you so intensely materializing that the air itself became infused. It was around the time of this realization that you decided to lock Danse's door, trotting back to the Paladin with a happy grin and attacking him before he could even process what was happening.

Not that he would complain at all though. He was just pleased that you made the first move. Either way, regarding your love's devotion to being so perfectly obedient...

A couple kisses and a pile of clothes at the foot of the bed later, you found yourself resting against your elbows atop Danse's mattress. Your dearest Paladin kneeled down before you between your legs with furrowed eyebrows and a type of determination in his eyes that at any other given time would've surely made you giggle.

With his two large hands, Danse tentatively scooted you closer to the edge of the bed- placing your sex mere inches away from his face in the process. "I..I must admit I've never done anything like this.." He sighed, deep amber eyes ever so slightly averting from your line of sight so he wouldn't have to face what shame he felt at the prospect of not being able to satisfy you. The poor man was even blushing, the flesh of his face and chest flushed in a subtle pinkish hue that only added to how genuinely astonishing it was to see him like this. It wasn't very often one could get passed that hard exterior of his, but then again..you've always had a knack for breaking past it.

Figuring words would have to be too carefully constructed as not to discourage him, you gently carded your fingers through his thick hair, settling one hand at the back of his head to rest- not yet pushing him just in case. Nonetheless, Danse understood the meaning behind these actions- responding with a small nod of his head seconds before he allowed mere instinct to take over.

Obviously given with much thought, Danse commenced by turning his head to the side, placing small kisses from your inner thigh up. Having his mouth so very close yet too far in all the same respect sent a shiver down your spine, the flame like arousal you felt already by just having him between your legs metaphorically having gasoline thrown on it with each passing breath you felt him exhale. Had he meant to tease you so? You wouldn't know.

After giving your other thigh the same treatment, those fierce dark eyes glinted back up to you whilst he pressed more of his kisses into your flesh- only this time he hadn't stopped. This time he finished the round off by placing one single peck right above where you silently prayed he would hurry up and ravage. Only seconds later, Danse allowed his hands to travel to your thighs- gently pressing his fingertips into them barely deep enough to dimple the skin before he finally gave into what you wanted most and flattens his tongue along the slit of your weeping cunt.

Just like that, it was as though fireworks had went off- a shockwave of relief trembling down from the pit of your stomach down to your toes. One lick shouldn't have felt so good, but the anti soutien surely made it so.

Gingerly clutching his dark hair, you let out a sharp gasp. "Yes.." Was all you could think to say, once more afraid that the wrong word or sound could send him off. Thankfully, that small praise worked for him- now brave enough to continue on but this time actually parting your folds and dipping inside. Whatever apprehensions Danse obviously had..you were beginning to think they for naught- he was by no means a god at this..but he listened.

Each little moan or gasp you let out, he made sure to revisit that spot in the same way. If you tugged on his hair, he made certain to follow exactly where you leading. Just like right about now, although the small kitten licks were nice- you craved more. Your very core tightening around nothing but emptiness and painfully aching as a result. Seeing it as a good solution, you pushed his head forward, shoving his face closer into your cunt- receiving a muffled grunt in response from the man below you, his eyes rolling back into his head before slipping closed completely.

He couldn't seriously be getting off to this so much, could he?

"Shit, keep that up..damn..I'm going to cum in no time.." you breathed heavily, trying so hard to keep steady so you wouldn't start screaming your head off. The last thing you wanted to do was alert Kells or Maxson. Seeing as their quarters were less than thirty feet away, that fear was a great threat.

It soon wouldn't matter anyways- for after you guided your devout lover's head just the slightest bit further up, he got the wonderful idea to wrap his lips around your clit and give it careful lick. A sudden warmness enveloped you consequently making you cry out, your free hand quick to clasp over your own mouth so the sound wouldn't repeat itself.

As scared as he may be of being caught his own commanding officer's in this position, Danse received great pleasure from pulling such a response- unbeknownst to you, smiling as he felt you jerk your hips the slightest bit. Now he was the one making you fall apart and he loved every second of it.

Just as the stimulation to your clit became too much, he would somehow knowingly switch back to tonguing you open- his tongue undoubtedly sore by the time you felt your thighs begin to tremble. From then on out, everything was amplified.

The ringing in your ears, the excruciating pleasure, his groans, and most notably- the loud smacking sounds produced by him working you over..it was too much. Much to your dismay, you hadn't even been able to give Danse a proper warning before your orgasm swept over you- fingers now pulling his hair as his tongue gently lapped against your folds to soothe the intense sensitivity.

Perhaps the best part was seeing the way he looked once he departed from between your thighs. His pupils blown wide and his face shiny from your slick...it's a wonder you didn't automatically insist he take your spot so you could repay the favor.

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