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Early mornings were always a part of your routine with Danse.

As your sponsor, he'd wake you up early to train. As your companion, he'd wake up and condone perimeter checks, failing to allow you to peacefully sleep. Even now, with many years put behind the two of you, Danse never could quite cease of rising early- no matter how hard you tried to break him of it after "marriage".

However, it wasn't necessarily always a bad thing. For instance, Shaun was a habitual early bird. As such, your former Paladin was excited to entertain his newly adopted son as you slept. Even more so, Danse's tendencies came especially in handy after your newest addition to your small family was born.

Never had you had to instill "taking turns". Fortunately, Danse was more than happy to wake up with the baby, even insisting that you get your rest. Come to think of it, him doing so made his perpetual "morning person" attitude just the slightest bit less annoying. Slightly.

Nonetheless, there were still mornings where waking up early wasn't such a bad thing. As a matter of fact..if one were to refrain from looking outside the window- it would almost seem as though the war..the fallout itself had never happened.

Mornings such as these...

Upon waking up, the empty spot of disheveled sheets at your side brought a faint grin to your face. Danse was ever the predictable one, wasn't he? Of course.

That wasn't a bad thing.

With a less than graceful roll, you tumbled out of your bed and made your way to the living room just a few feet from your doorway- the chill of the wooded floor on your bare feet waking you up more with each step.

The closer you drew to your destination, a familiar and now very rare scent of coffee filled your nose. Codsworth sure was a doll for fixing up that old pitcher- all you had to was get Danse to fix a hot plate and somehow steal some grounds from the closest vault and bam! coffee. As sweet as the promise of coffee was, all desires for it temporarily went away whenever you finally came upon the living room.

It was simple, nothing huge..but it was a home that Danse, you, and a few gracious settlers built. Sure, it wasn't anything like the Prydwen or like the old Sanctuary Hills..but it was home, damnit. This isn't to say it wasn't nice though- after all..it was quite rare to be able to call a place without holes in the wall home.

Right away you saw Shaun sprawled out on the carpet, laying on his stomach and intently thumbing through a new stack of comic books X6 undoubtedly gave him. Figures, he was too invested in the books..poor boy had a plate of breakfast laying untouched about a foot away from him- and judging by the burnt char on the food..it was Danse's handiwork.

No wonder Shaun didn't eat.

Speaking of Danse, he was sitting leaned back on the couch, his back to you and your baby held up above his head. With a soft chuckle good enough to warm your heart, Danse started to poorly imitate the sounds of a vertibird as he gently swayed your baby side to side- causing the little one to giggle almost to the point of being breathless.

For a moment you couldn't help but just stare. After everything that happened, this was the happy ending you never dreamed could be possible. Each little detail was almost ethereal, be it the way the sun filtered in and fell upon Shaun's ridiculously concentrated face or the way the ring on Danse's finger glistened each time his hand moved. It all just felt so..right.

"Mom!" Shaun's voice called, pulling you from your daydream right about as he started scrambling to his feet. "G'momring!" He happily chirped, running over to you to wrap his little arms around your hips in an embrace.

"Good morning, sweetheart.." was your response, carefully moving his hair out of his eyes whenever he finally let you go. He only gave you a disapproving huff and shook his head, turning on his heels to eagerly return back to his books.

Walking your way around the couch, you were instantly met with Danse's adoring gaze. It was almost silly to think that once you regarded his look as cold and unfeeling, for now all you could see was true happiness.

"You're up early." He finally greeted, carefully bringing your baby down into his arms to cradle. "I think this one takes after their father more."

With a pretend scoff, you took your place right beside him. Resting your head upon his shoulder, you held your finger out to your baby, simply looking down upon them with wonder. Honestly? Danse was right. They were no more than a couple months old and already seemed to have similar traits to their dad.

Hell, you were waiting for the day they'd crawl to the garage and ogle his power armour.

Hopefully that wouldn't happen anytime soon.

While that was perhaps a silly musing, the similarities didn't exactly end there. The babe looked so much like their dad, it was almost funny- dark hair and pretty amber puppy dog-like eyes.

"Oh yeah? I think so too. They definitely favor you.." You softly responded, finding yourself in a dreamy haze. "They sure are beautiful.."

"Would it be too cliché for me to say just like their mother?" The ex-Paladin looked over at you, a certain glimmer of pride like none you've ever seen in his eyes. "Even if it is, it's true. We've truly made something wonderful..." He muttered, carefully moving your child into your arms.

"Oh, by the way..I made sure to make enough food for us too. It should still be decently warm." He announced, perking up the slightest bit as he stretched- obviously having been holding your babe for a while. With each joint came a subtle crack, causing him to sort of roll his eyes- had you not already made the joke a thousand times, you would've chided him about getting "old"- and he knew it, without you even having to say a single word.

Having kids and getting married was a different way of life compared to the routines of a disciplined soldier- but Danse handled it well enough, especially considering the events that led to his exile. Nonetheless, the man still seemed to age a couple years after countless nights of being woken up by the baby and Shaun.

Oh well, it wasn't like he was super exuberant before anyways.

"Also, after we eat, I was thinking..how would you like to go down to the old park? It's been a while since we've went out. Perhaps we can see if Macready is alright with setting up a play date with Duncan and Shaun.."

For whatever reason, your stomach dropped...

"Dad! You promised you'd show me how to modify righteous authority's beam focuser!" Shaun interjected, but you could no longer focus- each word swimming in your ears as the earth as you knew seemed to fade from existence.

"Hm? Oh, correct...nothing ever gets passed you, does it?" Danse chuckled, unaware of what was currently happening.

Clutching your babe close to your chest, you tried to take a steadying breath. Why was this happening? Danse propositioning going to the park shouldn't rouse such a response...what...what were you forgetting?

"Mom..mom are you alright?"

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