Reasons they'd be on doctor phil

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Anger management issues. Precisely because she punched a deathclaw hatchling in the face after killing it's mother.


Prolific pursuit of thrills and "human experience" that often lead her to situations that are less than delightful.


Sexual arousal stemming from power armour and watching his partner modify weapons. *😤*


Habitual liar even when it's really unnecessary. For instance, he'll lie about the commonwealth birds being institue spies! Could you imagine...


Horrid fashion sense that makes any onlooker tear up on sight.


Adamantly streaks down the streets of Goodneighbor after drinking. Terrifies all.


Willing to steal money from the elderly and sick.


Control freak- to the point of affecting the lives of thousands of poor commonwealth citizens. Also is  convinced that he is the nuclear fallout version of the mythical King Arthur.


Pretends that he is going to self destruct when in uncomfortable social gatherings.

Old Longfellow:

Acts like he is on the verge of death to receive pity.


Instigates fights just so she can report on it.


When he sleeps at night, all he can see is settlements. He can no longer leave his home without looking at a place and thinking "hmm...I think I'll send my General out here to claim a new settlement. Never mind the hoard of ghouls.."


Has an almost irresistible urge to choke out the nuka girl.

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