Companions reacting to sole taking them to a seggs store

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•Totally dirty.

•She knows what's up and promptly asks if you'd like to "try before ya buy" with that devilish look in her eyes.

•Not above wasting the entire day trying each contraption out to see what "works" for the two of you.


•Isn't too naive to understand the lewdness of the situation and the merchandise.

•More curios than anything.

• "Do you find these multicolored penises more attractive? They are quite..interesting."


•Somewhat bashful, but considering it', and I'm presuming you've had the sex with him..he isn't going to have a fucking heart attack like he would've had you not been so intimate.

•Kind of dances around asking if you'd like to try some of the stuff out sometime soon...



•Don't take him to a sex store unless you want to get an eyeful of Deacon wearing fishnets and other forms of lingerie.


•Another unashamed dirty fucker.

•Just like Cait, he's going to be more than apt to try the goods out right on spot. He may not be as reckless though, just depends how horny he is.

•No matter what though, he's coming back to loot.


•It's Hancock. He probably owns sex toys anyways.

•Misbehaves to the greatest extent. Not to be too obscene, but..don't be surprised if he starts fucking around with the dildos- pretending to blow them or throwing them at you while laughing like the jackass he is.

•Definitely steals some of the merchandise for later.


•Tries to compose himself and act like an adult about it..but it's Mac, you expect too much if you don't expect him to act almost equal to Hancock's level of dumbass.

•Having a sweet tooth, he's fascinated with flavored lube. It's no mutfruit flavor or anything..but y'know!


•He's awestruck. Yeah, that's a good way to explain it. It's the first time he's ever seen shit like this and, to a man in his early twenties, its fucking glorious.

•Being ever the curios man, he.."confiscates" some of the paraphernalia. Expect him to hold a totally for al report asking for you intel, but never fear, you "secured this cache of pre-war relics", you'll be rewarded tenfold.

•Strikes me as the type to like cock rings. Just saying.


•If it were possible, he would be blood red in a deep blush.

•Nick already knows, having memories of pre-war Nick and all. Regardless, he'll allow you to drag him through the establishment with a sheepish little smile on his lips.


•She's no innocent woman. She knows exactly what's up just from the obscene, nuke-weathered sign in the window. Luckily, she is also not shy in the slightest bit.

•Takes a shine to the vibrators, already devising ways to incorporate them into your..erm..special times. What? Is it wrong for a woman to plan out things?


•You might assume he'd be bashful. He's anything but.

•Cooly asks you what each thing does and it's "pre-war" use...before busting out laughing and telling you he already knows.

•Offers to make up for it by testing out some of the products.


"Is this some form of torture? Fun."

•You're probably going to have to explain to him how these instruments of torture are actually used for pleasure.

•He's excited once he figures it out. You can betcha ass that he snatched some of those fuzzy handcuffs for later use.

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