Piper Relationship Headcanons

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• One of the best ways she knows to express her love is through gifts- even if they are kind of silly..like maybe she managed to get her hands on some Nuka-Quartz and thought you'd appreciate it.

• Late night cuddles where you drape your arms around her waist as she vigorously typed up some idea on her typewriter for her to expand upon at a later date.

• Speaking of her writing capabilities- she will write you love notes like it's no one's business.

• Totally the type to adopt a cat and refer to it as your adoptive child.

• Occasionally can be mildly hot headed and argumentative but will always feel guilty about it afterwards and try her best to make it up to you...even if you were the one in the wrong.

• Adores the idea of a traditional date night. Please treat her.

• As crazy as it sounds, Nat becomes somewhat more like your daughter- but then again, that much can be expected. Nat loves you by the way- but she will hurt you if you mess with Piper.

• Lives for the nights where the two of you are the only ones awake and everything is peaceful. It's within these moments that Piper is most vulnerable and apt to spill her heart.

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