How they wake sole up

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(This could honestly be romanced or not for some of them bruh-)


•Hope you don't expect her to be polite-

•If you somehow sleep later than her, she's gonna first laugh about it then go ahead and bang the closest objects together and make a racket.

•It'll be hard not to kill her, I promise.


•Really doesn't want to have to wake you up, but if she must...

•Pretty nice about it- just barely says your name over a whisper and taps you if that doesn't work.


•He's very punchable in the morning.

•If you're at the Prydwen, this asshole will rip the blankets off of you and turn on whatever lights he can....even if you're his partner and are sharing his quarters with him.

•Even if you're not on the Prydwen- he's still miserable. Hope you like mornings.


•Probably would do stupid shit like start blaring Diamond City Radio right next to your head- squeaking to whatever is playing just for the added effect.


•Surprisingly really nice.

•He may, and I mean may, just get some breakfast for the two of you and wake you up with a plate ready.


•You out sleep him?

•Bitch please...


•If you're on the road, Mac will tap your foot with the button of his riffle and sing some dumb "wake up" song he made up.


(Probably gonna have to be romanced bc I don't see him being that concerned with his buddies)

•Often times will just leave you be...but he ends up waking you up anyways by being obnoxiously loud whenever he gets dressed.  What? That coat makes some noise and you can't convince me otherwise.

•Always just gives a sheepish smile and gets progressively louder so sleep is nearly impossible.


•Fairly nice about it- just sort of tosses something soft at you until you finally stir.


•won't wake you up. It's that simple.


•Pshhh- you aren't out sleeping her.


•He doesn't really know what to do at first- naturally after having been alone for so long on he just sort of stares for a hot minute.

•If you don't wake up to the feeling of someone watching you, then you may get a very slight shake.

• nothing special man

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