Companions reacting to sole hitting a perfect high note

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(I'm guessing some are more towards the romanced side..but hey, who knows)


"Did you practice that a lot before you showed me? Because I'm picturing you randomly screaming high notes and I'm trying not to laugh! Oi, don't look at me like that."


"Simply magnificent!"


"Your dedication to your art is admirable, soldier. I can't say that I've ever heard anyone hit a note so high that it cracked the glass of my helmet's eye shield. Don't worry, I'm just kidding..still, incredible.."


"Outstanding, oh wait, if you wanted to hear that I think you would've sung for Paladin asshat. Anyways, your performance was marvelous boss. The resonance was just..perfect, the pitch? Wow....and I'll shut up now.."


"Cut that shit out, gonna have someone thinking I'm stabbing you or something.....okay fine, you're good."


"Now that's what I call talent! With a voice like your's my friend, you've got a big future- hell, I'd pay to hear you sing for me again. Too bad you're even better at killing people, otherwise my old girl Magnolia may just have some competition.."


"Boss, why don't you just sing in the streets of Goodneighbor in your spare time? I'm sure you can bring in some decent caps with a voice like your's."


(Yeah..either romanced or just really good buddies)

"Huh...I've got to admit, that isn't what I was expecting whenever you said you wanted to meet in my quarters. Nonetheless, I appreciate you sharing your talent with me, it was nice to see..or um..hear something that has nothing to do with logistics or death and destruction."


"Well kid, you've got a stunning voice. Bravo."


"Now where did you learn to do that? Ooh, did you sing opera in your past? Blue, are you secretly moonlighting as a choir singer? I heard Clements was trying to throw something together."


"Wow General, you've got one heck of a set of pipes on you."


"That is certainly an interesting talent you have. Did it require special training to get your voice to smoothly transition to that range?"

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