Companions give sole lap dance

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(Hey, if ya'll want a drabble with this stuff just let me know the character and I'll go more in depth than just Headcanons 😉)


•Much prefer to be on the receiving end of this, but whatever.

•Completely unashamed even though she's less than graceful.

•Makes up for what she lacks in coordination with intensity. The entire time she dances for you, those striking green eyes not once leave your own. It was almost suffocating how she entrapped you, somehow making the music disappear.


•Honestly has more fun just making you laugh.

•There probably won't be much of a sexiness to the dance like one would expect given that she is entirely inexperienced.

•Nonetheless, she's not one to turn down a good learning experience, especially if it means spending some time with you..regardless of how ridiculous she feels dancing around half naked.


•How you even got him to agree to do this is beyond me.

•Actually...have I ever mentioned that drunk Danse is a flirty Danse? Well, maybe he got a little too drunk.

•The Paladin lacked the coordination he showed out in the field, his natural rugged grace paired with the alcohol's sweet inebriation made for an interesting performance to say the least.

•He'd still be comically red the entire time, the intensity of his blush taking form of a warmth you could literally feel radiating off of him as he lazily swayed.

•Have pity on the Paladin and make him stop before he does something he'll regret.


•Fucking kills it.

•Deacon is no stranger to doing things like this, but there was a special element to doing it for someone he genuinely wanted to impress. Well, you were that one person that qualified.

•Unafraid to wear skimpy clothes- fishnets, if you say "pretty please"- making a whole big show of it.


•Sorry homie, you aren't getting him to do that. He'll bitch and say that it's stupid but it's more or less due to him being embarrassed, maybe even a little insecure.

•However, he also won't expect you to give him one either because of this...even though he really wants you to.


•Oh please. You needn't ask twice.

•Catch him absolutely killing it. Think Deacon's good? Well Hancock's skill is ten times better.

•there's a more intimate feeling to the way he dances as well. That and he knows how to create the perfect atmosphere, which of course includes music playing over the radio by his all time fave, Magnolia.


•Would almost definitely need to be intoxicated to agree.

•Believe it or not, Mac knows what he's doing- despite likely being drunk. He knows just when to tempt you, getting nice and close, just to pull away and start swaying to the beat once more.

•His skill is more than just a little frustrating.


•Very, and I mean VERY, bashful during the entire song. Oh yeah, despite being an assertive, confident man in his everyday life..when it came to doing something so silly for you? He had a hard time. Well, I suppose addressing soldiers and dancing around half naked is entirely different, right?

•Well, blushing brighter than a tato and stumbling over his feet a couple times, he'll try his best to still put on a show.

•aaaaand when that inevitably fails, he instantly goes for distracting you in another way.

•Heads up, he's gonna be rougher than usual with you because you asked him to do something he thought was embarrassing.



•Okay, fine. He's very hesitant to be overly lewd though, so his "lap dance" may very well look more like a little classier than what you may expect.


•Does it like a champ, but there is only one issue...

•Piper can't make an entire song without putting her hands on you. Look, it's not against the rules by any means's really hard for you to hold out when she goes from tying your hands up with her scarf to shoving tiddies in your face.

•Secretly gets a kick out of making you squirm.


•Has a very "if it's what you want, babe" kind of attitude towards dancing and it shows...


*sits there naked, unmoving as "Butcher Pete" plays in the background, shades still on.*

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