Boosts morale (hancock x reader post sex)

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He was a mess and there was no denying it.

He was a mess in more ways than one too, especially at this moment. Did you ever think it possible for a ghoul to blush? Yeah- many people didn't think such a thing could happen either. Whenever you consider the ghoul in question too? Oh yeah, completely improbable.

Nonetheless, you knew damn well that ghouls could still do plenty of things many speculated to be myth.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Hancock's uncharacteristically soft voice questioned, cradling a bag of rad-away in one hand and lazily pushing his hat askew on his head with the other.

Yes, referring to the "things" ghouls can still do..well, some rather unfortunate side effects tend to occur from one of these abilities. Radiation wasn't exactly the best thing for a smooth-skin and radiation was exactly what ghouls bled- and...secreted through other ways.

Almost sheepishly, you took the bag of dark intravenous chemical from his grasp and simply set it aside. "Relax, John." Spoken with a light chuckle. "I've already taken some sole Rad-X. Let's go ahead and save the higher powered stuff for situations, hm?"

Looking as though he tried to think of something, anything to say, Hancock soon just gave up after a slight pause. It was his fault you had to take the treatments- however you chose to rectify the situation was entirely your decision.

"Suit yourself, sunshine." He eventually responded, gracefully rolling from his side of the bed.

With a somewhat humorous "thud", your ghoulified lover landed firmly on his feet- already in a hurry to gather the rest of clothes. All the while you busied yourself with nestling into the rare comfort of your shared bed, uncaring of the world and anything that may disturb your little peaceful lull.

"Well.." He started, exhaling sharply as he straightened his back just as your gaze fell back upon him. "How do I look? Good enough to face our people?" To which you could only laugh.

He had no shirt nor coat. His hat was still terribly discombobulated, just barely sitting atop his bald head. Thankfully he had pants on, but you seriously doubted the fine citizens of Goodneighbor would care. Finally, his torso..and almost all exposed bits of flesh exposed were littered with the obvious marks of your affection left behind from the "activities" that took place just mere minutes before.

"You look great. Knock 'em dead. Just don't take too long, I'm tired."

The sweetest smile formed on his face, only rivaled in warmth by his softened, smoky hued eyes as they took in your visage one final time. "Wouldn't dream of it, babe." He chuckled, turning on his heels to open up the balcony doors.

As always, he was a mess. However the most important part was that he was your mess.

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