Holding their baby

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When you placed his frail newborn into his arms, Danse didn't quite know what to do at first. Of course he wanted to hold them, but oh god..he was terrified he was going to drop them or something like that. That being said, the Paladin would sit down beside you on the bed, clutching his baby against his chest. He'd simply stare for a while, unable to fathom how lucky he was.

"Hello little one.." He spoke up, feeling his tiny child begin to stir from their nap. Just like that, Danse knew for sure, he had a purpose. As so, you couldn't help but melt whenever you saw a lovely smile shaped his features, crinkling his amber eyes at their corners.

With everything that went wrong, with how many plans he had set only to be ruined..he'd do it all over again if it meant he'd be able to be where he is now.


His hazel eyes would go wider than you thought possible. When you put your new baby in his arms, Gage was practically paralyzed, feeling his heart throb in his chest when he felt the baby nuzzle closer into to him. Damn..he was so weak now, maybe that's what having a baby does to you though. No matter how he felt, Gage couldn't resist it any longer. With a quivering lip, he'd begin gently rocking his child.

"Shh, daddy's here..I ain't gonna let you go, sweetheart." He cooed, pressing a kiss to your baby's sparsely haired head. "I promise.."

What amused you the most was that Gage stayed pretty faithful to his word. The next morning you found him trying his level best to find a way to fasten your child to the harness of his armor.

You promptly smacked him for being so ridiculous.


His little miracle.

That's all he could think whenever his baby was placed into his arms. Due to his..well, his ghoulification, he wasn't sure that this would even be possible. Even more so, your pregnancy wasn't the easiest and he had done his best to prepare for the worst..and yet here he was. Tears would brim his eyes as he peered down upon his baby, rolling down his cheeks with a sniffle.

He knew that with his child being born there would have to be a lot of shaping up that some residents of Goodneighbor likely would approve of but, as he looked down at the innocent being cradled in his arms, he knew that he'd do anything for them.


Having experienced it before, Mac knew exactly how to hold the child. Making sure to support his baby's head and back with one arm and the other arm protectively holding it close to him. Even though it wasn't the first time, he still couldn't help but get teary eyed.

With a soft chuckle he'd brush what little hair the child had back and away from its face, smiling brightly when they opened their eyes to look at him.

"Hey there beautiful..glad to see you're awake." And just like that, he'd start crying- lifting the baby up so he could kiss their forehead.

This was his second chance. He was going to be sure he wasn't going to blow it.


From the time he was old enough to learn about that kind of stuff, he knew he was expected to have as many children as possible..he knew that the lineage of his family depended upon it. However, even with years of expecting himself to have children, nothing would ever prepare him for when you placed not one, but both of his babies in his arms.

God he still couldn't believe you managed to carry twins.

Nonetheless, he'd stare down at the two dark haired babes with absolute wonder in his eyes. He made these? Well..he did have some help but still..wow.

"They're perfect.." He'd whisper to you with wide icy eyes, not wishing to wake either of them up from their peaceful slumber. "Perfect.."


He'd enthusiastically take them from your arms, a big warm smile on his face as he did. He wasn't too spooked, having already held a plethora of babies in his lifetime..hell he even helped birth a couple. But this was different, this is his very own little one. Feeling his smile only widen, he sat down in an old rocking chair.

"You're precious.." He'd mutter, slowly beginning to rock. "Daddy already loves you so much."

Closing his eyes, he'd clutch into his baby just the slightest bit tighter to his chest. Sometime later he even fell asleep with them in his arms, having to be woken up by you.

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