Pining companions help sole out of a comprimisingposition

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"Ha! Oh wait, I'm sorry- I shouldn't laugh atcha. Don't give me that look, I'll get you out- just...wish I had me one of those working cameras."

Her automatic way of deflecting her awkward feelings was by trying to use humor.

Despite that, she is honestly pretty chill with the situation. Cait herself has very little shame, so the very most she would feel is discomfort in fear of overstepping some of your bounds with the way she has to touch you.


"Sacrebleu! Are you alright? Can you still move all of your limbs..? Just, remain calm madam/monsieur, I'll go get help!"

Her first priority is to make sure that you can safely be released- not even once thinking of the inevitable.

She of course is aware of her feelings towards you, being practically slammed with them each and every time you smile at her. However that feeling of pining doesn't interfere with her ability to ensure your well being. All feelings put aside, she will not rest until she has you out.


"....*curses under his breath*...Don't worry soldier, I'll have you out in no time."

Wouldn't it have been nicer just to have shot him in the foot? Danse surely thought so. Once he assessed you and found that you were physically okay, his gut would clench up with nerves- having realized what his next step would be.

It was so silly, he was a grown man- a Paladin for Pete's sake, and he was reluctant to grasp you in such a way just because of his feelings for you. For this, he would later ridicule himself.

He's absolutely dead  whenever he realizes that at one point he has to stand directly in front of you to free you, inadvertently putting your face close to his crotch. Yes, his souls just completely leaves his body after that.


"Shit, well- let me go get the oil and we'll see what we can do."

No. Just no.

Deacon doesn't like being touched himself, so holding you in such a light as well combined with his general discomfort for human contact leaves him in a very tough predicament.

He isn't kidding. He will go get the oil goddamnit.


"Woah, must be my lucky day! That's quite the nice view you're providin' boss. Hey, I'm just joking.."

He's not.

Gage knows better than to overstep his bounds..but he also knows when a glorious opportunity presents itself.

If only for a moment, he will unashamedly take in the view before -quite terribly- attempting to force you out of whatever you are stuck on.


"Well well, this sure is one heck of a pickle you've gotten yourself stuck in...heh, not funny? Too soon? Well never mind that then, sit tight."

Hancock? Uncomfortable with touching someone? Please.. Okay, maybe he is a little nervous about doing it to you, but that doesn't mean he is going to show it one little bit.

He'll play it cool, get you free in no time.


"Hey do know that this wasn't a part of the route, right? I'm just joking, sheesh. Relax, I'll um, well, I'll try.."

Does he seem like he's doing good? Because internally? He's a hot mess.

Macready is pretty immature, so the mere thought of having to touch you mad position you in suggestive ways makes him both chuckle and blush like an idiot. Had you been anyone else, he probably just would've said "tough luck."



He didn't even mean to say something so brash, it being "unbecoming" of someone in his position to do so. In his defense, he couldn't think straight after seeing you in such a compromising position- his mind torn between thinking of how screwed you both were if you were ambushed..and how he'd have to pull you out of your position by some rather unfavorable means. Well...he wouldn't mind them too much.

Nonetheless, Arthur ends up fumbling terribly and making a fool out of himself more than he already had.


"Dear heavens, okay kiddo, I need you to stay calm and still.."

Those feelings he harbors for you play no device in this. All he knows is that he needs to get you free.

Old Longfellow:

"Now how in the blazes did you wind up like that? No wonder you were taking so long cap'n, heh, I'm just pulling your leg.....literally."

Gets a kick out of it, not even thinking about the fact that he was actually going to have to maneuver you around-

However he is no child, he's touched plenty of ladies/men in his lifetime. But..feelings do complicate things, don't they?


"For the love of everything good.."

She's totally cursing herself at this point, only to look down and blush when she realizes you thought she was making a remark towards your current predicament. Afterwards she'd make a huge deal about telling you that isn't at all what she meant and how sorry she was...rambling so much that you current position is lost on her until you give an irate "ahem".


"Oh damn, um, just let me know...*starts trailing off* if I need to stop..."

Oh god, oh fuck..why did he just say that?!?!

He instantly is reduced to a bumbling mess. His usual smooth charisma being reduced down to the equivalent of a super mutant's.

Please have mercy on him. He might even make himself get stuck too..


"Shucks, uhhh- dontcha worry one bit, I'll get ya out of there."

He doesn't know whether to think himself lucky or cursed.

He's had his fair share of being stuck himself, so he at least knows how to move you around just in case that was an issue. That being said, he can't get the vision of your forced position out of his head no matter how hard he might try.


"How do you even manage to do these kinds of things? Never mind that ma'am/sir, remain as still as possible."

By nature, X6 is unreadable. His emotions hardly ever seem to surface, this predicament brings forth no exceptions.

Even if on the inside he is doing a little victory dance.

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