Companions react to sole getting their ass grabbed:

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Romanced (❤️) and Non-Romanced (✨)



"Oi- look here for a sec.."

Unlike how some may assumed she would act, she would first sneak up on the asshole- waiting until he turned and gave her a nasty sneer before swiftly swinging her fist and making contact with a *crack* to the son of a bitch's stupid nose. However once Cait got ahold to something, she doesn't really let go. One punch wouldn't be enough- this asshole just assaulted you- right in front of her face! Before she knew it, she had reduced the sick fuck into a groaning, swollen pile of bruises and blood. She just couldn't stop.


"Hey dickface! I fuckin' saw that!"

Flashes of the sleazy raiders she knew too well would be the first thing that came to mind- sending cool shivers of terror all throughout her body.

That's when the adrenaline kicked in.

She'd still beat their ass, whether you like it or not.



"Excusez-moi, i don't believe that is proper behavior- oh never mind, I doubt you even comprehend what proper means..."

She wouldn't outright hurt someone- but damn, she sure wanted to then. Instead of doing it though, she just got all up in the man's face, sticking her finger in his chest and telling him off. Much alike Tinkerbelle if you squint.


Kind of the same thing here tbh. I just don't foresee Curie being the type to be excessively  violent.



"What twisted thought made you think you had the right to do that? No- actually there isn't anything you could say that would justify violating someone.."

Yes, Danse is composed- but no, he would not just sit idly by and watch someone do such a thing to his love. His automatic reflex is to go into protective mode, which involved him promptly shoving the man away from you- letting the perpetrator fall to the ground- only to pick him back up by the collar of his shirt and practically seethe and he confronted him. Had he not been in the right state and fear causing a too big of a scene- he just might've roughed the man up worse.


"That was an extremely poor decision, civilian."

Similar to a romanced Danse, he would still be hella
Protective over you. Instead of letting his heart speak too much though- he'd simply grab the little shit and pull him aside, giving him a harsh glare and the promise of being crushed by a power armour boot.



"Like how that feels, dickbag? Didn't think so.."

Instead of causing a huge scene by slitting his throat, Deacon smoothly pressed into the man from behind- his hands leaving an imprinted bruise from how harshly he grabbed the man. It caused said man to yell and turn- but he didn't do anything- he understood. As a matter of fact, he would shamefully apologize to you, silently pleading for you to tell your lover to stop violating him as well.


"See? Now we're all uncomfortable.."

Unlike his demonstration shown above, Deacon would go for the more mild "return ass grab". A quid pro quo, an uno reverse card if you will. Who even knows how to respond to that? No one. It just leaves the whole lot of you with a mural feeling of discomfort and awkwardness where usually rage and violation would've taken place.

Fallout Preferences and OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt