Companions being sick and how sole would take care of them

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•Coming from a home where she was never taken care of, only to move through life in places where signs of weakness would've gotten her killed...let's just say she doesn't like showing that she is sick. My girl could be half way dying and she would do everything in her power to make you think that she just has a hangover or something of the sorts.

•She's going to be stubborn with everything too. Rest? Take it easy? Fuck right off, hon.

•She is going to have to fight this off herself, don't try'll only upset her and cause her to snap at you if you don't stop.


•She has no clue what's happening. HELP.

•She knows sickness very well, already recognizing the symptoms off bat- it's just that well..her new synth body makes it to where she feels all of it and it's quite overwhelming.

•Nonetheless, Curie will politely let you know that she's "got this" and pesters you about staying away in case she is contagious.


•He gets really grumpy when he's sick. It's actually the best way to tell that he isn't feeling well. Don't get me wrong, he won't outright be especially rude or anything. He more or less is just more irritable, more apt to complain too.

•It'll take some convincing, but seeing as you are one of the very few people he implicitly trusts..he'll let you take care of him. And by take of him, I mean he's gonna gripe the entire time.


•You'll know when Deacon is sick. He won't be as witty, as "ready-to-go"..he won't really be much like himself in this state. As a matter of fact, he's going to be pretty down in the dumps. Catch him laying in one of the old dusty sarcophaguses in HQ, feeling sorry for himself.

•You can do small things for him, maybe bring him some Nuka-Cola or something..leave the medical stuff to Carington so Deeks can harass him later when he feels up to it.


•Honestly, you probably won't even know that he's sick unless it gets too bad. If and when it ever gets to that point, Gage will be honest with you and admit that he can't keep going on- spouting about how "can't be making y'all sitting ducks or some shit".

•It may come as a surprise to say that Gage doesn't really mind being taken care of. Now, it's no super tender moment with the raider, what really is in the wasteland? Anyways- he'd do the same for you. You both gotta look out for each other.


•It isn't often that he gets sick, but when does..oh does he milk it. If the two of you are good friends, he is going to pretend he is just about dying. Sometimes you may even find you asking yourself if it's all worth it. It is.

•Although he may be annoying, he truly is appreciative! You'll know just how much Hancock cherishes what you do to make him feel better, and he'll keep it in mind to repay you sooner than later.


•Whiny rat man.

•No, for real. He may have grown up in little lamplight where kids got sick all the time, but a piece of him just never got over that immature way of handling sickness. So..buckle up, buttercup. Every single ache and pain, you will be made promptly aware of.

•He uh, he fully expects you to take care of him if you are his friend. Especially if you are his lover.


•Arthur tries and miserably fails to hide his sickness. Really beats himself up over it as well. He's supposed to look as invincible as the brotherhood thinks he is- having a coughing fit during a briefing sure doesn't seem too indestructible. Least to say, he will be wallowing in self pity and bugging the living shit out of Captain Cade for hurried test results.

•You can try your best to take care of him, but his mood isn't going to improve until he finally feels like his normal self again. That's just the way he is.


Don't really think he can get sick tbh...

Old Longfellow:

•Being an old man like himself, you probably expect him to take it easy when he gets sick, right? Well, aren't you sadly mistaken. This sack of crap is downing liquor left and right whilst fighting off whatever the fog throws at him like he normally would be.

•He fears no sickness. Sickness fears him.


•She's pretty chill...depending upon what kind of sickness she is plagued with. Anything respiratory? Cancel Christmas- she is in a tizzy. She'll be constantly uncomfortable and feeling gross, so she won't exactly be a happy camper while the sickness runs it's course.

•She's amongst one of the most easy going ones when it comes to being taken care of. Just give her some tea and she'll be grateful.


•For a lack of batter words, being sick makes preston very nervous. He can't help but think of all the things that might happen just because he's under the weather. What if raiders attack? What if you need him? Oh good sweet lord, it's a catastrophe.

•Please just calm him down..


•Is honestly just confused when he falls ill. It doesn't happen often. Even more distressed if it happens while away from the Institute. No Institute means not-so-easy access to medical supplies, and there is not a chance in hell that he would shoot up chems to numb the pain.

•Be warned. He is going to be one angry courser.

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