"Eye For An Eye...Sort Of.." (Gage x SoSu Soulmate AU

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He remembered it. Oh yes, he did. See, each person is born with bicolored eyes- one color belonging to theirselves and the other color to their soulmate. With that in mind, what happens whenever someone loses an eye? Well, that much had been the topic of inner turmoil for longer than a raider should've even considered dwelling on it. Still- the color, it was something he couldn't stop thinking about, most probably due to the fear of completely forgetting it and losing the last bit of his soulmate he thought he would ever know.

Now, Gage wasn't ever the optimistic kind. Frankly, he always considered himself a realist- so the fateful day he lost his eye...he had just assumed- with the type of nonchalant suppression only he could master- that because of it's loss his soulmate too was lost. Maybe the cruel world he despised do much claimed his missing half, fucking figures. Why not? What's one more person to go? Besides, it wasn't like the path he was leading in life was one to end with a sweet family on a farm. Shit- he'd be lucky if he didn't get shot up the very next day.

Come to think of it, maybe he was an optimist after all. It was for the best that he no longer had to worry about being "incomplete", no longer burdened with the possibility of finding the one person in this shitty little earth that would just "get" him. It was best that he didn't let himself fall in love. Best that he didn't love something so much that he would be forced into misery the second he lost it.

However, as much as his overactive mind tried to reason through it- there were still the occasions where Gage would catch his reflection. The only thing he would see staring back at himself was the mark of a man forever to be seen as a "piece to a whole". What was even worse than that was beyond his own control, he would find himself picturing what he used to look like when he wasn't "incomplete", placing his hand over his eyepatch as though doing so would magically restore that little piece he needed to be "complete".

There wasn't a damn thing that could make it better either. At least- not until you showed up.

It was one of the greatest feelings he ever experienced. Here you were, some fucker that was able to defeat Colter's sorry ass, the adrenaline obviously having not yet calmed down as you made your way towards him. It was about then that he noticed something he never thought he would ever see-

Your eyes. Your beautiful eyes. One a golden green, like his. The other a (y/e/c), like the damn one he lost. What was even more remarkable was that he noticed a scar over your one green eye.

If he hadn't had better control, he probably would've passed out.

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