Companions with f! Sosu on her period

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Knows the pains of the certain time of the month and tries her best to help you out.

Offers you some strong liquor and maybe some med-x occasionally to help numb the pain.

She gets angrier during her time of the month so she understands if you do too and becomes more tolerant if you lash out at her.

Ummmmm...period cramps have a fun trick that helps soothe the pain. Ever heard of orgasm relief? Well she has and she has found that it makes all the difference so she is more than happy to help you out. After all, as a fighter she isn't worried about getting a little bloody.

She always knew about the menstruel cycle and what it entails but..she didn't really comprehend how bad it was until she got one herself after being transferred into her synth body.

After that whole fiasco, she becomes extremely concerned with your well being as soon as you tell her what's going on.

As silly as it sounds, she actually charts it out months in advance and tries to prepare for the both of you. Might be kind of gross but she thinks it's sweet if you both sync up.

Thank goodness she actually has some medical background.


He has little to no idea on what to do, but he wouldn't dare leave himself ignorant for long. Sure, he's had plenty of women under his charge but he didn't know any of them intimately as he did you. Haylen would've been the closest but she kept all that "period" talk to herself and soldiered through.

He hates seeing you in pain, especially if it's something he can't do anything about. However he'll badger Captain Cade for pain relievers until he finds something that makes you feel better.

It'll probably be gross as hell but he'll swipe you some of the field ration candy bars after he learns that chocolate usually makes cramps feel better.

More than anything, he'll be there for you to cuddle for as long as you want. And strange as it is, he'll make sure to put in for an official temporary leave of duty for the both of you so he can be there for you and you can rest up.


Asks Glory and Desdemona what they'd want their significant other to do for them during their time of the month...which resulted in him getting a glare and questioned.

He'll do his level best to satisfy your cravings if you have them, knowing just the right spots in the 'wealth to score some halfway decent grub.

Probably the worst idea he ever had but he often times ask Tinker Tom for help...instead of the actual doctor..poor Carington.


If you happen to be the kind that gets pissy, he'll know to back tf off. Come on, he's been in close work with Nisha..and that's not a woman that you want to piss off even on a good day.

Because of his experience with these kinds of things, he's shockingly empathetic.

Makes comments about how "badass" you are for being able to bleed out so much and still hold your own in combat and lead the parks.

Once he discovers that orgasms can significantly reduce pain...expect to be "bedridden" for a while until you feel better.


Period pains? Say no more, Sunshine. He's got you covered. Be it meds, foods, or sex- he'll give his all to you.


Given the fact that he was married before, he knows the ins and outs of period pains and how to help out.

Though he might moan and bitch about it later, he'll happily do the mundane chores around your shared abode to keep you happy.

If your pain is really bad, he'll physically stop you from trying to go out and about the wealth. Look, he loves you so much, but you aren't about to go walking miles all while trying not to double over in pain.


Okay..he's a 20 year old man who likely can recite and teach the most intricate of military tactics and know little to nothing about the female body and what goes on during "that time"

However, if you take out the time to let him know what's going on and how it affects you- he'll be receptive and considerate to what's going on. Just tell him what to do and he'll do it.

He can't exactly take leave of his duties every day so instead, he'll perhaps leave you his beautiful coat so you get the feel of cuddling with him even when he's on duty and away. (The only time Maxson is seen without that coat on deck..)

Is lowkey kind of freaked out that you can bleed out like that without passing out.


Really sweet...but then again, he usually is anyways so why would you expect any different?

Somehow manages to provide you with a heating pack to help the pain.

Is the type of boyfriend that is unashamed to buy you tampons and does so like a boss.

Old Longfellow:

He's an old man, so he is a little rusty when it comes to romantic care in this respect.

Will some booze suffice? Helps him feel better when he gets shot so surely it should do something to help you out...right? He sure hopes so because that's his go to, sweetheart.


Those settlements can wait for now.

He takes your comfort and well being very seriously, especially in times like this where those two aspects can actually be altered. So you so much as say that your back is aching and he'll tell you to sit your ass down and give you a sweet massage.

Might even be a little annoying with it, but he will baby you. Nothing too extreme, but he might offer to feed you or just other peculiar act of services in general.


Also happens to own a uterus and experience the hell of a period, so she knows what's up.

The house is stocked with power noodles just for this type of event.

Offers to just stay in for the duration for your cycle even if it is a little absurd. Shit, she usually does for her's so she doesn't get why youre laughing when she proposes it.

Come on, blue. Flat Nuka-Cola, some Power Noodles, and a typewriter never been so alluring. Give in.


He tries his best to stay on his toes, not wanting to piss you off in anyway shape or form. So, for once..he won't walk into the house with his Grady gloves and dirty boots messing the place up.

Honestly wishes that he could just make it go away for you....well, at least in a way that wouldn't result in you getting pregnant..............unless...


"Can't you just remove your uterus? We have a plethora of surgeons back at the Institue that would be able to competently go through with the procedure and eliminate this pain."

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