Companions with sosu that has lost inspiration

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Cait will Probably only notice something is up if the paintings become over cumbersome. Once she does though, she is confused to say the very least.

Not exactly knowing what to do/say, she'll just sort of stare off at some of the works. She's never been the creative, even unfinished, your works were still stunning to her.

Every once in a while she might make reference to them, but she doesn't dare push once she notices your somber mood or the grimace on your face. She knows better. She couldn't comfort you.


She knows all too well what you've going through. Too many times Curie has dedicated three all nighters to an experiment just to receive underwhelming results and not go through with it.

However because of this experience, she knows thay you can't just let the unfinished works pile up. Instead, she'll gently coax you to start working on your very first unfinished piece. She knows it'll be a process, but she also knows that you've just got to work through it.


He isn't quite sure how to approach the subject. Of course, being your sponsor as well as a close friend, Danse subconsciously makes it his duty to assess your well-being just out of instinct. So it's fair to say that the Paladin notices something is up days in advance prior to finding your collection of undone works.

Eventually he'll just buckle down and approach you, placing a hand on your shoulder as he asks why you haven't finished up all those paintings. Once you tell him that it stems from a lack of motivation, he'll just give you a curt nod before offering to put in some "leave time" with the Elder so you can maybe go around the wastes and find some more inspiration.


He tries to make you feel better first. Sometimes he'll frequent the locations of your unfinished works and ask you if it was really "incomplete." Saying things like "It looks really nice already." Or "I don't know boss..too much more and I think you'll over do it."

Once he realizes that this method isn't going to help in the slightest, he'll shake his head and take you to one of his posts atop some high up skyscraper. If you ask just what the fuck it is he is trying to get at, he'll simply smile and point up at the beautifully irradiated night sky. You may not understand even then, always has helped him to look at the stars..maybe it will you too.


Being as observant and frankly- intelligent as Gage is , he knows to start worrying whenever you show signs of losing motivation. It might just be as small as leaving ridiculous unfinished painting all over Fizztop, but he knows it won't stop there. He also knows that the second another gang catches wind of your mental distress, they'll take advantage of it.

So, being your right hand man, he makes it priority #1 to get you back and running....even if he has some rather unconventional methods of doing so. Please, know that he really does care for you...even as the two of you are trying to run away from gatorclaws.


It perhaps isn't the best approach, but Hancock can't help but giggle and offer to take you down to Pickman's gallery for some inspiration. Besides, maybe two painters can exchange some tips with each other.


He, of course, is a little worried but he wouldn't dare let you catch onto it. No, instead he'll treat it as though everything is okay. I mean, it would be a little absurd to flip out over some unfinished painting right? Yeah.

Regardless, he'll secretly rejoice internally whenever you finally work yourself through your creativity block and present him with a piece he had been eyeing,


If you have shown Arthur some of your paintings, it's likely he is pretty interested- so whenever you start showing less of them..he becomes curious. So much so that he will probably wear you down so much that you just sigh and show him the unfinished pieces you have.

While he won't exactly know what to do with that, he'll still give you a rare Maxson smile and gingerly trace some of the colors with his fingertips. If the two of you are closer, he might even poke fun at you and start suggesting what you could do with it.


His metallic heart goes out for you whenever he notices all the different paintings you have strewn about. He may offer you a cigarette if you smoke before sitting you down and trying to talk about what's going on..without out front doing so.

Old Longfellow:

You know what's a good cure for this? Fishing. At least he thinks so. Ergo meaning that you'll just have to like waking up before sunrise and going on a dangerous body of water to catch horribly mutated fish if you keep on piling up his cabin with those paintings of your's.


She figures it can't be too far off from having writer's block, and hey, she gets that a lot. So, in a way she's almost grateful that your recent darkened mood is repeated to a creativity thing, she knows just the fix.

Without so much as a warning, she'll arrange for the two of you to take an easy night and the Third Rail. Between Magnolia's singing, the bustling atmosphere, the bright lights, and the horrible drinks...what wasn't to love? Well, even if it didn't automatically fix your problem, it definitely helps.


He instantly fears the he has effectively exhausted you. It seems that anytime the two of you speak, he just has another desperate cry of help for you to go tend to. He usually just tells himself it's because the people of the wealth can't wait- and that is true- but seeing you so frustrated and unmotivated made him feel guilty nonetheless.

From here on out, he lets you truly exercise your abilities as General and assign groups of Minutemen to take care of the less dangerous assignments every once in a while.


It'll likely come as a shock, but once X6 notices your lack of motivation, he is quick to devise a plan to make you better.

He doesn't even need to see the paintings to know you've been acting different.

As such, he may just offer for the two of you to take a couple of days to yourselves at the Institute. If you accept, it might seem like he has disappeared, but he'll turn back up with a tray of food and some classical music being ran to your room.

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