"Decorum certainly prohibits this.." (Danse x SoSu //Thigh riding//)

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"You certainly have some nerve doing this..I would be lying if I said I didn't admire it though. Now, let's make this quick before any of our siblings of steel catch on. Last thing either of us need is to be caught in such a compromis-.." Before he could even finish that thought, you rolled your eyes and pressed forward to silence him.

Here he was preaching about how the two of you were going to get caught and yet he was the one blabbering on...typical of your straight-laced Paladin when he was nervous.

However he did have a very good point. Currently instead of patrolling your designated areas, you managed to compel your inamorato to follow close behind as you lead him down to the storage room of the mighty Prydwen. Patrolling never did suit you, let your mind wander too much- which is likely the reason you sought out your lover- wild thoughts of him, or more specifically, flashbacks of passionate trysts shared between the two of you having plagued your mind to the point of igniting an insatiable desire. So, instead of being the orderly soldier the very man motivating this disobedience likely wanted you to be, you now had said flustered man pressed up against a steel wall- marks of your affection littering everywhere his standard issue uniform couldn't conceal.

No worries, you looked similar. Well, actually...You looked much worse come to think of it. See, as reckless as your actions may have been- you still knew better than to coax your lover into full fledged fucking you in such a risky setting, the threat of being caught far too great- especially in a position like that. However that isn't to say the seemingly naive Paladin didn't have ideas, for as soon as your mouths collided in desperate kisses, he leaned back onto the cool metallic wall and slotted one of his muscular thighs between your legs.

Luckily it didn't take too terribly long for you to figure out what to do, especially whenever his willingness to return to his post got the best of him and inspired him to place his large hands on your hips and guide you. This isn't to say he didn't take any pleasure either though. Each little whimper you let out was regarded like some type of reward to him, a thrill if you will, the prospect of being able to bring you pleasure without a stitch of clothing being removed being enough in itself to make his chest swell with pride.

Deciding upon not wanting to be caught, you latched onto your Paladin like your life depended upon it. One hand now slotted in his plush raven hair, the other on his hip, and your face set ablaze by the friction of his scruff as result of your refusal to part lips. Yet, being so intimately close to him wasn't the best part- no- the friction settled between your thighs began to spread, making the need to scream ever so alluring once he forcefully pushed you down with more pressure. It all seemed to blur around there, the only sensation felt thereafter being the sweet bliss of release..followed by an uncomfortable wetness between your now closed legs after having been gently set down by the ever so attentive Paladin that was currently peeling himself away from the wall.

"I hope that can tide you over for the meantime.." He whispered, running a thumb over your cheekbone with a strangely tender look in his amber eyes. "Gather yourself, make sure not to draw too much attention. I'll leave within a couple minutes after your departure...oh, and Knight...I believe it would be best for both of us if I speak to you in private after our shifts. Be sure to meet me in my quarters immediately after your rounds are complete." And just like that, you saw the unthinkable- Paladin Danse winked.

"Danse, you're unbelievable..."

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