Macready with a pregnant s/o

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(Oh boy)

•Let's just start this off by saying how happy Mac is. Having a child with you means the world to him, even if it scares the shit out of him. To him, it means a second chance at having it "all" in life.

•Look, you may be the "boss" but Mac is going to stand firm on there being no more scavenging or roaming the wastes. Hope you enjoy settler life. I mean come on, (y/n), think about what radiation could do to the baby! Not to mention if you get unlucky and have to go toe to toe with raiders or deathclaws!

•On one hand, his experience with pregnant ladies can come in handy! (Even if he was just some young and stupid first time dad who fretted over the slightest sign of discomfort). He seems to have this impeccable intuition, knowing just when to tell you to "take it easy" or how to keep up with your cravings no matter how crazy..or even when to get up in the middle of the night to hold your hair back if "morning sickness" strikes early.

•On the other hand, his "experience" has also caused a sad paranoia. He may have been apprehensive with Lucy when she was pregnant with Duncan, but boy, after everything that happened..poor dude is terrified of his new family being taken away. So with each pain you feel, every day your energy seems to fade, his fears intensify.

•Will spoil the hell out of you, even if he doesn't seem to be the type- just don't point it out too much. The sniper is more than happy to give you a foot rub as soon as you mention your ankles swelling. Hell, he may even feed you- if you let him.

•Don't think Mac is above using the baby talk either. Oh yeah, he'll sit there on his knees, pressing his face to your belly and talk to the baby as though they were intently listening.

•Is strangely interested in decorating the nursery for your baby, maybe even getting some "second opinions" from soon-to-be big brothers Shaun and Duncan.

•Overall a tad overprotective, but sickeningly sweet.

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