What kinds of pictures the companions would take:

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Honestly? I fully imagine her taking aesthetic types of pictures as a means of expressing herself. Bloodied knuckles, broken glass, maybe even her own blackened eyes- it's all so...her. She probably won't show these pictures to anyone though.


As much as I would like to say Curie would take "uwu" kinds of pictures- she probably would just take pictures of lab reports so she wouldn't have to worry about misplacing her papers.


Takes one good picture with himself, sole, Rhys, and Haylen...the rest are senseless pictures of weapon and power armour modifications he is fond of . He might even start a little "how to" book with those pictures pasted in alongside steps on how he did it.


Really, and I mean REALLY, unfortunate photos of his fellow railroad peeps. His personal favorite is a shot of Carington spilling coffee all over himself.


As weird as it may sound, all of his pictures are of him and sole. Romanced or not- just him and his boss genuinely happy. He doesn't need/want anything else to be pictures.


Bunches and bunches of group photos including his friends and other citizens of Goodneighbor. Of course, he's the most photogenic of the all.


Sends the camera away to with Daisy so Duncan will take some pictures and send them back. He keeps each picture, no matter the quality, in boots and cap.


Believe it or not, he loves taking aerial photos of the commonwealth. He hangs the pictures up in his room- sorting them by area and time of day like an absolute weirdo.


Kind of like Curie in the sense that he takes multiple photos of his files. He also uses the camera to take photos of perps once they are proven guilty so he has something to put with said files.

Old Longfellow:

Also into the whole scenic aesthetic. Sometimes he'll climb up the mountain in the early morning and see if he can find something new,


Usually just uses it to attach photos relevant to her article after finding it drastically affects her views.


Loves nothing more than to take pictures of the families he and the other Minutemen have helped, of course giving the photos to the respective subjects as a "house christening" gift.


Totally takes pictures of his favorite paint jobs and mods- really anything that he fixes up for fun and not necessity.


Takes awkward photos of himself, like really bad..imagine the way your phone sees you- that's the way he takes his own picture. Occasionally will also snap photos of his favorite kills.

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