Companions react to sosu pulling them aside and treating them

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•Had you been anyone else, she would've likely laughed in your face and made it her top priority to leave.

•Letting her guard down isn't something Cait has ever been able to do unless she was drunk out of her mind...but even then she still was alert. Spoiling was an entirely different, even more foreign playing field.

•However you've earned her trust. Congratulations.

•Taking a shaky breath, she'll let you do as you please. Sipping a beer as the two of you talk about current events, maybe even cuddle and simply bask in each other's presence.

•She could get used to this.


•Curie didn't really see the need to "wind down".

•She appreciates your concern, but she doesn't need the rest. least she thought she didn't.

•The more you tempt her with lounging around, the tireder her synthetic body became. It comes to a point to where she just sighs and strips herself of her safety gear, sauntering over to you and rolling her eyes.

• "Well, your offer has seem to become irresistible."

• as soon as she indulges, Curie becomes hooked. Please. Play with her hair, Talk about her latest experiments with her- she couldn't have been happier.


•He'd actually be surprisingly willing to go along. Don't get me wrong, soldier boy HAS to have permission from Maxson and Kells, and know that he has fulfilled his duties for the day- but once he is sure, Danse will happily take some time off.

•If you actually do proceed to go beyond cleaning weapons and power armour and decide to start spoiling him, Danse will give that signature "o.o" face. However he'll go along, his face glowing red as you mess with his hair and cuddle up close- but he enjoys it, enjoys it very much.

•Expect Danse to expect this treatment every time the two of you have unofficial- non brotherhood related- visiting time.

•It's really good for him.


• He's down. Say less.

•Next thing that you know, the two of you are playing distasteful jokes on poor carington.


•Will be extremely reluctant to take a day off, probably will be really judgy about you wanting to too.

•"Boss, don't you go around starting to act like that lazy sack of shit before ya."

•With enough coaxing and maybe light threatening, he'll loosen up a little and begrudgingly agree to chilling out in fizztop.

•It would actually be quite the lovely experience- just picture it. Gage lounging out on one of those squeaky plastic lawn chairs, the two of you watching the sunset while you knock back a slew of nuka colas of every flavor possible- just telling some terrible jokes and discussing what future steps you can take to improve the parks.

•it would almost be romantic..if you squint hard enough.


• Again, SAY LESS.

•Hancock is all about relaxing and properly taking care of his friends- so if you don't watch it, he may be the one doing all the spoiling to you instead of vice versa.

•regardless, he is beyond pleased with your willingness to relax. The wastes are a rough place, why not take advantage of every peaceful moment you have? That's his philosophy.


• He much prefer to be out in wastes making some decent caps, but he wouldn't dare shoo you away.

•Having someone care about you so much was definitely a rarity- one he has learned to cherish after his wife's passing.

•He'll do his best to return your affections in the least awkward way he can manage, don't you worry.


• To actually see a "relaxed" Arthur Maxson, you'd either have to be his significant other or a very dear friend of his.

• Taming a deathclaw would be easier than convincing him to abandon his duties, even if it meant him practically falling over into the window of the flight deck from exhaustion.

• Eventually there will come a time when he decides to metaphorically throw in the towel and call it a day early- personally seeking you out so he wouldn't have to face the quiet alone.

• Seeing you care so much about him makes his heart skip a beat- making him feel like the young boy he truly was. He wouldn't trade it for anything- even if he didn't really like you constantly worrying about him.


• He won't give you any trouble.

•You think the two of you need to chill out? Very well. Just let him wrap up some case paper work and he'll be the first one to go put some coffee on- excitingly awaiting the quality time he gets to spend with you.

•Any gesture of affection is greatly appreciated by Nick, usually returned with an equally as kind gesture in return.

• The two of you usually talk about the "pre-war days", reminiscing on that shared world the two fuck off you once knew.

Old Longfellow:

•He completely understands the need for a "day off" and is more than happy whenever you tell him it's time for one.

•Go on, spoil him. He's going to eat it up- teasing you the entire time about how it was so kind of you to "take care of gramps".


• Between constantly running the irradiated 'wealth and hounding out stories...boy is she happy that you want her to take it easy.

•She'll set it all up- power noodles, some low music, quite a few's perfect.


•Often times feels as though he cannot rest- but then he remembers that he can't actually save everyone and that sometimes just taking a moment to appreciate what you had in the present was best.

•He'd gladly indulge your insistent demands, flashing a smile as he raises his hands in mock defeat when you tell him to get comfortable and stop pacing around.

•He truly appreciates all that you do- so going out of your way just to ensure that he was happy and well taken care of practically made him head over heels.


•Let's just start off by saying that he is in complete shock.

•X6 can quite frankly never recall a time that anyone had ever regarded his own feelings as important- neither had he, in all honesty. He had a job to do. It was what he was made for- literally.

•So it's an understatement to say that he was confused.

•He'd probably look at you with uncertain, strangely innocent silver eyes- watching you carefully as you urge him to take the time to relax. He trusts you, he just doesn't trust what he feels when he is forced to truly calm down.

•For a man that seems so stone cold and stoic, he soon figures out that he could use this "relaxing" time more often.

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