"A man of many..very lengthy words" (Danse x SoSu soulmate au)

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(First words ever spoken by your sole mate upon meeting are written on your wrists)

"We appreciate the assistance, civilian. But what's your business here?"

They had to have been way too serious. That's all you could gather! Some people had silly things on their wrists, some more mundane, some even -although rare- were threatening. However all these "things" held one specific thing in common, they were the words every person dreamed to hear. Given the person was religious, they'd maybe even pray. Why? You may ask...well, because each of these unique "words" were the ones destined to be spoken by the person you were meant to be with. The wonderful words that everyone had displayed upon their wrists like some kind of test of patience.

And come on..the words on your wrist were pretty interesting. "Civilian", that alone was enough to tell you whosoever was your better half was in some interesting position. Maybe law enforcement, maybe military? Either one seemed intriguing enough, plus, you must wind up being in a position of some aid..albeit perhaps unnecessary? Or maybe just unexpected..

Yeah, let's stick with unexpected. Unexpected was actually the greatest word you could think of to describe the whole scenario, come to think of it.

The day you dreamt of since you were small, the day you finally heard someone say those words to you, was nothing short of "unexpected". Beyond whatever fantasies your brain could concoct, it happened after you followed a distress signal hours after emerging from an icy tomb, desperate to find some form of life that wouldn't shoot you or worse.

Instead what you found was a peculiar group of people, one hulking over the rest in a suit of power armour and the other two trying to take cover as one tended to the other's injuries. Alas, before you had the opportunity to speak, a pack of what you later learned to be called "ferals" ambushed you. It was such a bloody mess. The scent of ozone and burnt flesh from the laser rifle wielding man quickly becoming both overwhelming and calming by the second. The shrill snarls of the horrible assailants drowned out by your own beating heart, the adrenaline coursing through your viens furling you to push and somehow survive with only a pile of what looked to be long since dead at your feet as the only evidence of the battle

Unfortunately the adrenaline that ensured your survival hadn't been able to subside, for as soon as the coast was deemed clear-

"We appreciate the assistance, civilian. But what's your business here?"

Without having properly processed, you rolled your eyes as you picked ashen remains from your hair. "What? You mean to tell me you didn't call an exterminator?...Wait-.."

"What did you just say?" "You..you first.."

Looking back upon it now, you couldn't help but laugh. The man you now knew as Danse, he hadn't ever looked so starstruck as the moment he realized that you spoke "the words"- amber eyes blown wide and mouth hanging agape whilst blood trickled down his cut face.

"Not quite what I was expecting..wow.." Did you really just say that? Of course...

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