How they kiss

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Even though Cait usually doesn't care for too much mushiness, she loves kissing. As a matter of fact, she is quite good at it and has no shame in exploiting her talent no matter how many people may be watching. Her kisses reflect her personality, they're rough, fiery and addicting. They never fail to leave you breathless. During more intimate times, she dishes out the rough kisses even more- usually escalating to turning the kisses into bites.


She loves kisses! She needs a little bit of practice if you wish to use tongue or go any further than a sweet kiss to your cheek, but she's an enthusiastic learner and quickly catches on. That being said, she still understands that she doesn't like for others to see, so she isn't a fan of pda.


He doesn't kiss very often, save for a couple quick pecks to your forehead or cheek but when Danse does kiss? The wait is well worth it. He takes his time with you, making sure to enjoy the contact to the fullest extent. He also is pretty "skilled" with that tongue of his. That being said, he gets super embarrassed if someone happens to stumble upon the two of you. Make no mistake though, he will swallow down his nervousness and pull you into a rough kiss if he catches another person eyeing you in a way he doesn't approve of.


Deeks thoroughly enjoys kissing. Be it hot make out sessions or just peppering your face in silly kisses, he loves it. He doesn't quite care who sees either, so long as it's not the raider that's been trying to shoot you and so on.


He'll hold off until you've established dominance over the gangs and proven yourself as overboss, but he loves kissing you with an audience- loving how jealous the gang leaders get. Aside from that though, Gage just genuinely loves kissing in general. He can be a little rough though, nipping your bottom lip and such.


Look, he barely has any lips due to his ghoulification but he doesn't let that stop him at all. Open mouth, French..anything, he's up for it. He also likes leaving kisses all over your shoulders and neck when in private.


It takes a little bit for Mac to get back used to the intimacy but once he does..he can't get enough of the kisses. He still is a little wary of using tongue, not wanting to freak you out with his teeth but once you reassure him, he loves and prefers it. He's pretty touch starved too, so expect to be kissed on the cheek at random.


Absolutely adores kissing. He'll save the more passionate stuff for closed doors but if it's quick kisses? He doesn't care who sees, so long as you're sentinel for some time beforehand. Arthur is a sucker for open mouthed kisses though, taking his time to enjoy his loved one with his arms wrapped tightly around you.


Totally romantic when it comes to kisses, meaning he likes to savor the moment. That being said he routinely kisses your cheek when one of you depart for whatever the day may hold if you can't face it together. Oh, he also enjoys kissing your hand.

Old Longfellow:

He doesn't like public kissing of any kind alright? But in private? Oh he loves it. He can't help but smile, wondering just when it was he got so soft. He is especially fond of innocent "good night" kisses.


She's surprisingly shy when it comes to kissing. Don't get me wrong, she likes them but there's something about the sweetness about the action that makes butterflies flutter in her stomach. Nonetheless, she doesn't mind public kisses or pda of any kind for that matter, you just have to be the one to initiate it.


Though he prefers to keep it private, he doesn't mind kissing with other watching. Preston is a very passionate lover, his kisses being no exception. When he kisses you, he pours every ounce of himself into it.


At first he doesn't quite know if he likes it or not, but eventually he decides he loves the newness of it..he even begins to crave your kisses. So next thing you know, X6 begins to become a repeat offender of stealing kisses at whim.

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