Romanced Companions with Sole that steals their clothes

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•At first she tends to get more annoyed with it than anything. Don't get me wrong, she wouldn't ever be truly mad over something so stupid, but..well, her upbringing has made her rather territorial over her belongings.

•Actually, this annoyance may just prove to persist. On the bright side, she'll just roll her eyes at you and tell you to stop instead of getting pissed.



•Curie thinks it's a strange behavior, but she's fascinated nonetheless.

• "Why are you doing this, cheri? Do you wish to be closer to Curie?"

• Once she figures out that it's apparently just something couples do, she'll kind of smile to herself each time she catches you swiping her stuff. Go right ahead. It makes her happy to know that you love her so much.


(For the love of everything good don't steal the power armour)

•Although Danse is usually the "no nonsense" type of man, he finds your antics rather long as it isn't hindering his routine.

•I'm going to go off on a limb and assume you aren't stealing his uniform, you have one for yourself. As such, perhaps you've stolen a shirt of his? If so, Danse is more than pleased. Nothing quite makes him happier and more prideful than waking up after an eventful night to the sight of you bustling around wearing his shirt.


•I guess you've chosen war.

•As soon as you kick off the "steal yo stuff" campaign, he will retaliate tenfold.

•Sure honey, you may have his shades..but he's now parading around wearing your bra over his shirt like a jackass.


•Oh, he is happy.

•He takes you wearing his stuff as your way of saying "yep, I'm your's!" Not that he really needed the reassurance, but hell, it sure didn't hurt anything.

•Sometimes you'll even find his stuff conveniently placed where you can get to it...and your clothes mysteriously missing at all the same time.

•Just do it. Make his little possessive ass happy.


•He gets an absolute kick out of it. You go ahead, steal his hat, boots, anything! He'll just sit back and laugh as you do it, amused by how silly you look.

•The costume he wears already looked silly on himself, so seeing you masquerading around as him only makes him chuckle. However his satisfaction isn't purely due to the goofiness of your actions, he also finds happiness in the fact that you're "that" comfortable with him and your relationship.

•If he thinks about it hard enough, he may even tear up a little.


•Out of all honestly? Mac thinks it's rather endearing. It could be his hat or maybe even his jacket, regardless- he thinks it's adorable.

•He'll jokingly scold you, telling you that it isn't nice to take what isn't your's before proceeding to adjust his hat on your head and kiss your nose.


•Arthur is completely taken aback at first. It isn't like he has ever had someone be so free with him, much less someone he cared about so much.

•At first he'll just sort of take it all in, noting the smug look on your face and the undeniably wonderful way his coat looked draped around your shoulders. He wouldn't even think to be annoyed by you stealing the essential piece of his uniform, as a matter of fact.

•Actually, the only thing he'll do is playfully chase you around his quarters until he eventually catches you and "punishes" you for being so ridiculous.!


•True, Nick hadn't dreamt of parting with his horrid trenchcoat ever before, he might just consider it whenever you playfully steal it.

•And no, it isn't because of how raggedy it looks. The way your face lit up as caught you putting it on, it made his mechanical heart skip a beat.

•He wouldn't have the heart to tell you he needed it back. So instead he'll just settle for coming up besides you and eyeing you up and down.. "You like that old thing? I don't think it's ever looked any better.."


•Okay, there are two ways this can go down.

•One way, the good way, being that she is aware of what you're doing and thinks it's sweet and funny.

•Or! She's aware and gets pissed when she can't find her matching gloves....

•I wouldn't advise doing this with her.


•His heart just melts when he happens upon you wearing his hat. He had been looking for it all over, but seeing where it ended up..he wasn't in too much of a rush to get it back.

• "This is what we do now, babe? Alright, I see how it is.."

•Be fair warned, he may be tempted to get matching cowboy hats.


"I completely understand why you feel the need to confiscate my attire. The material it is made of provides superior stealth without sacrificing damage resistance. In addition to this, you look quite nice..I believe we should acquire a pair of your own..then we will match. Doesn't that sound nice?"

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