How the companions let sole know they're in the mood

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•Being direct is just a way of life for her. Letting her lover know when she wants to have sex is no exception- so I hope you don't desire elaborate wooing.

•Out of all honesty, she's probably gonna be that person and squeeze your ass. In. Public.


•As innocent as she may seem, Curie can also be quite the lewd woman. Catch your girl whispering dirty words to you in French.

•If you don't get the hint that way- she'll just politely excuse the two of you from whatever Youre preoccupied with and kiss you.


•It really depends on the setting.

•If danse is in private and gets the urge, he is not above pressing against you. I know, "not the Paladin" but come on, he can be pretty direct too.

•On the flip side, if it's during a time where privacy just isn't a luxury- Danse will awkwardly try to get your attention and "relocate to a more secure area in order to discuss."


•He tries to fuck around and make you equally as horny so you can be tormented too.

•Plus Deacon likes it more if he isn't the only one feeling so intensely.


•Kind of on the same tier as Cait, only he thinks it's funny to say shit like "Hey boss, I need you for something real fast..."

•Otherwise he is as direct as they come. Even if you can't satisfy his urges at the exact moment, he'll still bitch about being horny.


•His favorite approach to this dilemma is to subtly start touching you. Like for instance, say that you've in a public place siting next to him..he'll gradually creep his hand between your thighs and wait for you to get the message.


•You'll know the second he's feeling it.

•He'll blatantly stay behind you a couple steps and watch your rear for a while, making comments on how good it looks until he eventually gets worked up enough and just spins you around to kiss you.

•Just hope there's a safe place to do the dirty nearby once he reaches that level.


•Arthur can be quite spontaneous however he is not hard to read at all.

•He'll become visibly flushed and stumble on his words (if he's speaking to a group while in this predicament). Alas, if that wasn't good enough, his flight suit can really be a tremendous give away provided he doesn't wise up soon enough to adjust his jacket.


•Ever the gentleman, he unfortunately rarely verbalizes when he's hot under the collar while in public. It just makes him feel..mhh..uncouth.


•Oh boy.

•She is the dirty kinds that uses obscene gestures. Her favorite times to do this are whenever no one else will see what she's doing and you nearly choke on air after the realization hits.

•Otherwise she'll just tell you that she needs to blow off some steam.


•Very politely admits it....


"Hm, strange..."

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