Non-Romanced companions react to sole asking if they have a crush

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"What? Did I hear ya right? Nah...aha..yeah.."

•Cue the eye roll, this lass is going to try (and fail) to mask any feelings she may or may not have.


"No. I haven't crushed anything.."

•She uh..she doesn't know what you're talking about. Best toy just laugh it off, otherwise she's going to feel really dumb and awkward.


*choked violently* "Um, no. Crushes are juvenile, I do not have a crush..however..infatuation..*sigh*."

•Why would you do this to him? He was just getting relaxed. Shame. Now he's going to flip out.


"Oh yeah, I have a crush. *Holds up an orange Nuka-Cola* Wait-.."

•What just happened...?


"You shitting me? Figured it would be obvious now, really ain't all that bright."

•He has no problem admitting his feelings. If you want bashful or hard to get, look elsewhere. He just can't believe that you took this long to ask.


"Well..damn, it's a good thing we're both sitting down.."

•Another one that isn't afraid to say how he feels. He's expecting to be rejected be kind.


"*snort* Youre hilarious. What? Are we twelve?"

•He kind of gets where this is going and is utterly horrified. He likes you, but..isn't that gonna fudge things up? What if you don't like him as well??


"I-I..what..what do you mean by that?"

•Arthur is a twenty year old man. He hasn't exactly had a whole lot of experience with how to handle these things and is petrified. You're lucky he doesn't end up falling off the bed.


"Now that you mention it.."

•Better fess up, right? That's his logic. The truth sets you free.

Old Longfellow:

"Cap, you do see how old I am right? Watch, I betcha I can't even get up off this here bed without crackling."



"Do you?"

•It might be annoying but this is what she does best! Ask her something she can't answer and she'll ask it right back quicker than you can process.


"'re being for real?"

•The second he realizes that you are indeed being for real, his eyes go to the size of saucers. How does he even react? He can't lie and say no or someone else..



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