Romanced companions react to sole sitting on their lap

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"Well look at you, Youre more than welcome to sit on me anytime lad/lass."

Cait takes this as invitation of "be as dirty as possible". Have no fear, she will back off if you don't indulge the first time. Honestly? It's more of an automatic response for her, however you reputable showing her genuine affection that doesn't lead straight to sex will break down this subconscious wall and soon you'll find her being the one that wants to be held.


"Oh..oh wow. Excusez-moi, Curie didn't expect you to do this. Please, stay..this is quite enjoyable."

She had no idea how nice it felt to be so close to someone. Sure, she had kissed you and such- but there was something so sweet yet light hearted about this that made her little synthetic heart sing. As such, she'd simply wrap her slender arms around your shoulders and settle into the contact.


"It's a good thing I don't have my power armour on. Come here.."

Believe it or not, Paladin Flustered wouldn't actually get too..well..flustered when you do this. I think it's fair to say that Danse is touch starved, so having you be so straightforward with your actions pleases him. He probably wouldn't admit it, but Danse often times craves your affection. So, to properly savoir the moment, Danse would wrap his muscular arms around your waist and give a gentle squeeze. He'd then lean into to press a kiss to your cheek before resting his head in the crook of your neck, his stubble rasping against your skin as he did. Be careful, he might go to sleep if you don't watch him close.


"I think I can get used to this.."

I think we all know that Deacon isn't entirely fond of physical contact. Thankfully, you seem to be an exception to his intolerance. At least..Youre getting there. As silly and light hearted as Deacon is, affection is serious- as such, he'd hold you in a gentle grasp and just sit there.


"I think I can think of something a bit better for you to sit on, but hey, suit yourself."

Sitting on Gage's lap is almost a sure fire way of initiating sex. Nevertheless, he'd torture you for a while. Keeping you flush to his chest as his whispers sinful things to you, all the while his hands begin to wander. Just slap him if you're not in the mood. He'll laugh it off.


"Whatcha think Sunshine, am I a comfy seat?"

Oh boy. What have you just done? Hancock eats this up with devilish delight. Provided the two of you secluded, he may just push his luck and start pressing little kisses to your shoulder, which then lead up and..well you get the gist.


"Fine, but you're not going anywhere anytime soon."

He's so chill with it, it's almost unlike Mac. He'd just roll his pretty crystal like eyes and lay back on whatever he was sitting upon. Alas this means you don't really get to sit on his lap..however you do get to cuddle him.


"Well, you've definitely succeeded in distracting me of my duties. Well done. Unfortunately for you, this is a welcome interruption- so I win."

The very second you try this, Arthur will stop you. Don't worry, you won't get pushed away. Instead he'll causally guide you to turn around so rather than sit on his lap per se, you end up more or less straddling him and facing him. Once he succeeded in this, he'd grace you with a self satisfied little smirk of his..but most noticeably, his eyes held no hint of mischief. His eyes granted a peek of what he was- just a young boy in love with something other than military prowess.


"I've missed you too. Now, would you be interested in helping me out with this file?"

The sheer amusement Nick got out of your antics made his robotic heart feel as though it was skipping a beat. Alas, he was as composed as always. He'd simply place his head over your shoulder, completely enveloping you in his arms before pointing to specific lines in the mentioned manilla folder containing the "file".

Old Longfellow:

"Now that's what I'm talking about.."

You kidding? You just made that old drunk's day. His ocean blue eyes would ignite in an obviously pleased mischief, a smirk forming at his lips as he purposefully maneuvered you flush against him.


"Sheesh, I know, I'm irresistible."

Piper would be taken so off guard by you doing this. However, she is nothing if not capable of "going with the flow." Even if she wanted to do a little happy dance on the inside. Instead she'd settle for kissing your nose and calling it a dub.



Being "smooth" ordinarily came quite easy for the charismatic man, however in your presence that seemed to all but take a flying leap out the metaphorical window. Bewildered by his own nerves, Preston would just sort of grin with a silly laugh- a blush ever so slightly creeping up his face all the while.


"Hey baby.."

By the time the two of you have time to relax like this, it's probably well into the evening whenever Sturges has finished up his daily repairs. This may mean that he is sweaty, a little smelly..but honestly? Who isn't nowadays? Regardless, he'd languidly wrap his arms around you and give a gentle grin- maybe even close his eyes and bask in the moment as his sore muscles began to gain some reprieve.


"What..what am I supposed to do with my hands..?"

Don't take his words to heart. He truly doesn't know what to do. His heads spinning, his mouth running's unlike anything he has  ever felt. In hindsight, he probably could've been smoother but oh well. You make him weak, isn't that good enough?

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