Favourite music genres

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Modern/Pre-War! Au stuff


You bet your sweet ass her taste is whatever the local bar has playing. Just kidding. Cait strangely enough prefers stuff like The Beatles.


She likes The Carpenters...


As a man who has said he likes country- oh he loves country. George Straight, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash..and maybe if he's drunk enough, some Garth Brooks but it has to be "Friends In Low Places".


Catch him going stupid on the dance floor with old early 2000's club music. That, and 80's synth pop is just sublime.


Disturbed, Slipknot, and Five Finger Death Punch. Enough said.


A true weird duck. A man of taste, as he would call it. Hancock likes music ranging from smooth jazz to 90's rap.


Alt for sure. Mother Mother, 21 Pilots, and stuff like that are his vibe.


Arthur is sort of a weirdo when it comes to his music taste. He'll be a good refined young man and claim he appreciates classical music, make his parents proud, but in reality? He sort of likes it- but he vastly prefers the death metal he listens to when he works out. Bands like Cannibal Corpse and Dethklok are his favourites.


As silly as it may seem, I genuinely feel that Nick would be into the whole 50's music like you hear in the game. Ella Fitzgerald just hits different when you're on your third cup of coffee half past eleven o'clock while reviewing files to present to court at a later date.


Modern piper is a huge nerd (as well as Macready, but that's a discussion for another day) and you can't convince me otherwise. As such, m'lady prefers only the finest soundtrack music. Anything composed by Jeremy Soule makes her weak in the knees.


He likes more upbeat things. I wouldn't necessarily say pop..but yeah, he likes pop. Specifically an unashamed fan of Dua Lipa and..and..Britney Spears..


Strictly into either classical pieces or piano style covers of songs. Big fan of Chopin.

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