X6-88 headcanons

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(Nsft, Romantic, Personal..you got it.)

• Has once considered going by a more "normal" name around his loved one, but quickly decides against it after coming upon the realization that he just "is" X6-88.

• Hardly ever sleeps, usually on high alert. However when he finally does decide it's time to rest, he'll be dead to the world- plus he'll likely have a death grip on you if you elect to sleep beside him- nothing will shake him.

• Is completely unaware that he's somewhat funny. In addition to this, hope you like acerbic-type personalities. This is him.

• Has very methodical, detailed rituals he abides by each morning and night regardless of where he is. Be it the comforting familiarity of the Institute or less desirable surroundings, he'll find a damn way. These rituals include -but are not limited to- meditation and weapon rearrangement.

•You'll sometimes find himself silently gazing at his reflection. The reason why is unbeknownst to both you and him. It's almost as though he's studying himself, looking at where he needs to improve to be at the apex of his capabilities. If you interrupt this inspection, he'll offer a rare small smile and peel his attention away. It's a truly unsettling phenomena.

•Once the two of you have an established relationship and he comes to terms with what it's like means, he slowly but surely begins to let down his walls. Even the ones he had constructed to protect against his own self. He's not by any means a tender, exuberant person- but he won't take every piece of life quite as seriously once he realizes just how uncomplicated happiness is.

•Compulsively primps you, take it as his own unique way of expressing affection.

• OVERPROTECTIVE...like..be careful. He can borderline a little psycho sometimes.


•Definitely his first.

•In the beginning he is as placent and  obedient as always, doing just as you say to the very letter with a type of willingness that's good enough to spin your head.

•However don't think this will last forever. There will come a day when he gets curious enough to see what happens when he playfully challenges your dominance, maybe with something a subtle as overstimulating you or perhaps even as abrupt as a well thought out hand to your throat. Have no fear, he knows not to crush your windpipe.

•Really into anything that gets the adrenaline going. BDSM, chasing after you, maybe even introducing blades..it excites him.

•Although he's into all of this, there are still moments of tenderness that almost seem like a dream. Not that he is ever overly rough with you- it's just that you both usually end up with plenty of marks that you pray resemble battle wounds for the sake of onlookers.

•Really bad at dirty talk. Doesn't even like being talked dirty too either. Just..don't complicate it. Let him do.

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