Romanced Companions celebrating sole's birthday

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(Hope Headcanons are good enough!!)


•Given her past, Cait hasn't exactly had a wonderful experience with birthdays. If anything, they were somewhat of a sore subject.

•That in mind, she doesn't want you to feel that loneliness- especially after all you've been through.

•She won't make a huge fuss out of it, but she'll let you know that you're loved by her. It'll probably be a more quiet event, just the two of you together with your favourite drinks and treats. It may be small..but she's also going to steal something nice from one of those stuck up bitches from the Diamond City upper stands.


•She's elated when your birthday comes around.

•Having the traditions and mindset of a being pre-war, she tries her best to recreate an event accordingly. She'll arrange it all! A couple of your closest friends, some bright decorations, and a mutfruit cake with lovely vivid frosting.

•She's even going to sing "Happy Birthday" in that cute little French accent of her's.


•Although birthdays are still celebrated in the Brotherhood, Danse knew very well that kind of celebration wasn't fitting for someone he truly loved.

•So, using his heart instead of his head (a very rare occasion), Danse fabricated a somewhat of an itinerary solely focused on doing your favourite things throughout the day.

•At the very end of it, he'd sing a soft "Happy Birthday" and present you with a shabby stack of pancakes. They probably will be a little burned, but he figured it was a good gesture. In addition to this, he'll pull a locket from his uniform pocket and drape it around your neck- a picture of you and him standing together inside.


•Well, perks of being in a group like the railroad, they take it upon themselves to make a big deal out of their "family member's" birthday. Deacon however, is the ringleader of the whole event.

•He is going to make sure you have the party of your life! Even some mysteriously accurate pre-war type of party games are going to incorporated.


•Once again, the raider shows how sappy he really is.

•For a while he acts as though nothing is special about the day, maybe even to the point of allowing you to get upset- but never fear. He's just deliberately getting you away from Fizztop, as so, expect him to have conveniently scheduled for you to hold counsel with The Pack.

•No matter how pissed you are, as soon as you come back home- you can't help but be in awe. Gage did his very best to clean up the place, getting some fresh feverblooms to spruce up the area- some candles strewn in random places of the room. Dare say, he made it look like quite the romantic scene.

•From then onto the wee hours of the morning, Gage makes sure to shower you in gifts, sweets, and you bet- affection.


•It's going to be a huge event. Period.

•All of Goodneighbor is going to know what's up. Chances are if you are close to hancock, the city probably adores you as well.

•Expect a stereotypical surprise party where everyone jumps out and yells within the Old State House.

•Magnolia is going to perform for the whole party too.


•Ol' Mac is pretty sweet.

•The morning of your birthday he'll make you a halfway decent breakfast in bed, maybe even playfully spoon feeding you with a goofy grin on his face.

•It's going to be one of the instances where Mac truly spoils you.

•When it's all coming to an end, he'll finally give you his gift. A small yaoguai made of wood with your initials surrounded by a scratchy heart on it's undersides


•Something so monumental...he'll actually take a day off from being "The Elder"...well, as much as he can. Basically, he's putting off briefings and replying to headache inducing emails.

•Arthur again, has zero experience with a serious significant other- so he is somewhat at a loss for what to do. Nonetheless, he tries his best to make it special.

•Ultimately he decides to give you a normal date, for once. The both of you dressed down like a couple of wastelanders, just enjoying what merriment your company could provide and the wonders of Diamond City's lights.


•Another pre-war person.

•However nick doesn't necessarily go the purely traditional route. Instead he takes a more intimate turn, electing to get you something nice, fetch some decent food, put on the Classical Radio Station and slow dance the night away.


•She is another one of the more traditional celebrators.

•She won't through quite as big of a party as Hancock, but it will be something! Complete with noisemakers, over excessive drinking, cupcakes and confetti!

•Once it's all over though, she'll hug you from behind on your shared bed and mutter about how much she appreciates you just being you..maybe even teasing you for being literally hundreds of years old.


•He goes a little extra. As much as a Minuteman can, at least.

•He and the rest of the soldiers make it their top priority to throw you one hell of a shindig. There will be live music, semi okay foods, and lots of laughs.

•May or may not ask you to marry him depending upon how far your relationship has progressed.


•He never really "got" birthdays..but for you he is going to try.

•X6 eventually finds the best thing he can do is give you a decked out weapon and take you for a moonlit walk. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to test out his gift.

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