Asian-American SoSu electing to become wasteland samurai

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"Can you cut some heads off nice with that katana?"


"Oh my..well you certainly do seem intimidating dressed like that. Surely your visage will make people gunk twice before they attempt to attack.."


"I admire your pertinacity, soldier. If I'm to speak freely..I've always been particularly fond of military history and as I'm sure you know, the samurais were for a lack of better words..revered. As such, it's an honor to bear witness to someone carrying out their ways."


"...where did you get that stuff from? I need to know for purely professional reasons."


"Boss, as cool as the helmet thing is..can you even see??"


"Whatever you do, don't go strutting around ol' Kent Connolly."


"Usually I wouldn't come out and say this but, that's actually really cool."


"Ah, samurai..correct me if I'm wrong- they were the only ones with the special privilege to don two swords, right? *clears throat* I digress...your decision is most...intriguing. I'm sure Teagan will have some appropriate fortifying designs for your armour."


"I like the whole m.o., kid."

Old Longfellow:

"You sure that sword gonna getcha anywhere in a fight with a super mutant? I got all the faith in you Cap, just..don't make me regret saying that. Last thing I want is to lose ya."


"Well blue, that sure is one way to keep the past alive. All good stories are like that- connecting the past to the present..I dare say your story is one of the most profound."


"Dang, you know what General? Mad respect for being able to wield swords so effectively. Never really got the hang of them..."


"I seem to recall reading entries regarding the samurai during one of my reconnaissance..they were definitely honorable. I respect your efforts to uphold their legacy."

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