Valentine's Day!

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"Sheesh, I think you've actually managed to make me soft. You're such a little shite..."

Cait usually isn't big on huge celebrations or being too overly affectionate- but having you give her that sweet doe eyed look and give her a gift straight from your heart rendered her absolutely speechless.


"Oh, Curie just adores these decorations! This is all so lovely, Mon Amour."

You kidding? Anything exciting is going to be popular with Curie. Now something that is completely just for the two of you to have and experience? Sign her tf up.


"My love, you don't know how much I appreciate this...I'm sorry I wasn't aware of the occasion. Would you be willing to let me make it up to you?"

Things like this is what Danse treasure most. Giving him a thoughtful gift is a sure fire way to make him teary eyed- even if he tries to hide it. Regardless, depending upon where the two of you are- Danse would opt for the two of you to go somewhere more private and properly celebrate the occasion. Don't worry, that doesn't just mean sex either- more like cuddles and kisses...and sex too.


"....You're unbelievable..I love you."



"Oh..i..shit babe, where'd you get the idea for all this? Damn.."

Gage would be utterly speechless. Believe it or not, he is a sucker for being spoiled. The second you come at him with candies and heartfelt words, it's all he can do not to melt. He may try to play it off and be a "tough guy", but you know damn well that he is trying not to cry. The ensuing festivities will range from him showering you in gifts to screwing you silly.

Valentine's Day may just be his favourite holiday now.


"A holiday just to express love? Sunshine, why didn't you tell me something earlier?"

Parties, Celebration, and debauchery are all things Hancock revels in. Throwing in Valentine's Day is only bound to have a very fun outcome. Once you give him all the details on what a pre-war Valentine's would look like, he'll make sure to treat you to the closest wasteland alternative. And can expect a very long night..


"Don't worry..I'll be back in just a second."

Whenever you first brought it up to him you may be a little disheartened as he turns on his heels and goes to leave- but never fear. Come sunset, Mac brings you what a pocketful of caps and some threats could buy- setting up a small..maybe kind of ridiculous, Valentine's Day dinner.


"I don't know how I ever got so lucky. Thank you (y/n), thank you for making me feel normal.."

Of course, Maxson would be very interested with finding out the origin of this holiday but he'd keep that in. Instead of hounding you for information of this pre-war tradition, he'd gaze at you with pure wonder. Something was just so strangely..not superficial about this little gesture- Arthur was hardly used to it. Mark my words, he makes it his top priority to remember the date for years to come and make the biggest deal of the day possible.

As for now, he'd call an "emergency" leave and take you down to Nordhagen Beach- walking hand in hand with you as the sun sets. Whatever you gave him goes straight to his memento shelf.


"Sure is nice to have someone to share this with. Happy Valentine's Day, dear."

Nick knows what Valentine's Day is- and oh my god does he do it big? I'm talking about a bouquet of hubflowers, a shiny little trinket, and maybe even some sweets if he can scrounge it up. The later events wouldn't look any different than your average Valentine's Day..but isn't that nice? Some rare normalcy is just what someone could hope for.

Old Longfellow:

"Shucks, you didn't have to do all this cap.."

He's a very simple man, usually not one to enjoy being a made fuss least he didn't think he was. Then comes you with your "Valentine's" day festivities. Be it the gifts or the special little dinner you fixed up, you made that old man the happiest he had been in years. He still doesn't quite get it per se, but he loves it anyways.


"Wow blue, you never do cease to amaze me. Is this some type of pre war holiday? That's pretty cool."

Piper is all about new experiences and new opportunities- especially when it's something she is able to share with those she loves. Though the holiday is nothing more than just..well, a holiday, she takes it as something so much deeper than that. On top of this, she appreciates you being able to share pieces of your past with her even though she had no idea what the traditions even were.


"Aw babe, I can't believe this."

Preston would easily be overcome with a wave of pure happiness. Not so much because of the gifts or your sweetness, but more because he now knows that there is a designated day he can devote in future to you. Preston already is a very affectionate, "touchy feely" kind of man, so introducing Valentine's Day to him is reminiscent of giving Hancock a storage container filled with jet.


"Hey darlin', you know you didn't really have to do all this for me. Youre too sweet."

Sturges is shell shocked. Do you have any idea how long it's been since he's received a mere gift? Anyways- having you in his life was a gift enough itself..but you going above and beyond and introducing this Valentine's Day thing? Oh he was in heaven. You bet your sweet ass that he's going to celebrate to fullest extent possible.


"I- I really appreciate this, thank you."

Believe it or not- he actually knows what Valentine's Day is. The still celebrate it in the Institute, but he never really got to partake seeing as synths weren't treated like sentient beings. You giving him something meant the world to him, only further reassuring him that yes, he can feel, and yes, he deserves to be loved. He'll do whatever it takes to make sure you feel the same way.

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