Some of my personal fave quotes by the companions

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(And Maxson, of course)


"We'd move faster if you kept your eyes on the road and off me arse."


"Humanity Is So Resilient, To Cling To Life Despite All Of This"


"Whatever caused our fates to intertwine would never let them unravel."


"Good things come in small packages. But then, you would know all about small packages wouldn't you Strong?"


"Piss me off, and I'll still kick your ass from here to the Atlantic."


"Like it? I think it gives me a sexy, king of the zombies kinda look. Big hit with the ladies."


"Going to be a while before you can wipe the smile off my face."

(Not fallout 4 but I don't care, it's cute)

"Oh, well... You see, I am descended from the great Roger Maxson, founder of our order. I am the last of his line. They say my soul was forged from eternal steel, but I don't believe that. I'm really just a normal boy."


"I Told Them I Was Rigged To Explode And Started Going 'Beep, Beep, Beep."

Old Longfellow:

"Damn... I can't remember if I had my bath this week or not."


"I guess everyone deserves a chance at life. Even if it is life as a walking meat grinder."


"I just saw you go toe-to-toe with a twenty foot tall irradiated lizard. You telling me you can't keep an open mind after that?"


"Hey, I've lived in holes worse than this."


"A place for infant humans. I've only seen one once. It was unsettling."

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