Nick Valentine Headcanons

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(This may be a little incoherent are personal, some are relationship- you'll see it, I swear.)

•Has a few old sketches of Jenny. Some are more detailed than others, but all of them place heavy emphasis on the emotion in her eyes. He doesn't really know exactly why he drew them to begin with and is embarrassed if you ever find them. In a way, they sort of granted some closure.

•Often opts to take a nice stroll in the streets of Diamond City at night. It relaxes him, even if some people make snide comments his way or look visibly uncomfortable.

•Is OBSESSED with finding out who the mysterious stranger is and where the hell he disappears off to.

•If you have a close relationships with him, He'll sometimes come to you for help with self-maintenance. If you're romanced, he'll especially be more comfortable with asking for help.

•Very unproblematic in relationships. He's a good listener and genuinely caring. The only downside is that he's a detective. What I mean by this is that he often times finds himself in dangerous situations, he's notably impulsive, and he can sometimes be too involved in a case and have very little time to spend elsewhere.

•on that note, he will do everything in his power to make it right with you- even if it's not exactly his fault. He feels guilty really easy, okay?

•Probably one of the more likely companions to one day ask for your hand in marriage in a traditional sense. For example, he'll probably wait until an anniversary or something and get down on one knee..the whole nine.

•Can you imagine fixing his hat and tightening his tie before he heads out? Because I surely can and it's adorable.

•All for bringing you and Dogmeat on cases.

•Speaking of which, Nick loves Dogmeat and often falls prey to giving spontaneous belly scratches.

•Will more than definitely slow dance with you, with or without music- makes no difference to him. He merely enjoys being so close to you.

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