Chapter 71: Reflecting

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Another 2 chaps will be coming your way ;) :D

I could feel some stares on me probably looking at my stained dress but this time I wasn’t self conscious. I couldn’t care about how people were staring at me, I just wanted to get home. I finally reached our apartment and as I entered I heard Elena and Demi talking.

“Who’s that?” Elena said coming to the door.

“Oh my gosh, Jade,” she said shocked but with sympathy. She knew something was up.

“Jade?” Demi said coming to the hallway, “You’re back really soon and what happened to your dress?” she asked.

“Let me change and then I’ll tell you guys,” I said and they nodded. I went to my room and threw my dress in the laundry. I wasn’t really sad, in fact I think I was more angry and frustrated. I was also confused and kept replaying what happened in my mind. I looked at my Barca shirt and the jacket Leo gave me but opted for a slouchy jersey and treggings instead. I wasn’t in a mood to see the Barca crest. I never thought I would ever say that but right now I did not need to be thinking of any Barca players. I walked out of the room and saw Demi on the couch waiting for me.

“Here,” Elena said handing me a cup of coffee and sitting next to Demi, “You clearly didn’t have yours.”

“Thanks,” I said sitting across from them.

“Ok so start from the beginning, what happened?” Demi asked as I began to tell them everything.

“That bitch!” Elena shouted referring to Daniella.

“Agreed! I never liked her and I barely saw her,” Demi said.

“Not just her, Ibrahim too! What is with these guys and cheating?” Elena said upset.

“I don’t know,” I said thinking back to when I asked him about his girlfriend.

“I’m so sorry Jade,” Demi said.

“It’s ok,” I said sighing.

“No it’s not,” Elena said, “They shouldn’t be treating you like this,” she said defending me.

“Yeah, El is right,” Demi said agreeing with her.

“Well it was farfetched anyway,” I said and they looked at me in confusion.

“I mean what were the chances I would actually end up being Ibrahim’s girlfriend?” I asked them.

“Well closer that you thought, he did ask you out,” Elena said.

“Look,” Demi said after a while, “How bout you come shopping with us? We were going to go and come back in time for you but since you got home early-,”Demi said not knowing what to say after that.

“Yeah,” Elena said agreeing with her, “It will make you feel better.”

“It’s ok, I rather just stay in today and start on my work,” I said.

“You sure?” Elena asked me as I nodded.

“Ok, well we’ll buy you something if we find anything ok,” Demi said as I gave her a small smile. They knew me well enough to know I just wanted some time alone. It was nice that they didn’t force me out and they weren’t being insensitive, they were actually caring about what I wanted.

“Thanks guys,” I said.

“We’re only a phone call away ok?” Elena said to me.

“I know,” I said.

“Oh and Jade,” Demi said before she left, “Chocolate mousse is in the fridge,” she said as I smiled. I heard them leave and went straight to the fridge. I took out the tub of mousse with a spoon and went to go sit on the couch. As I ate I wondered how had everything become so mixed up. What was I thinking when I thought Cesc would take my side? Why would he? Daniella was his girlfriend, I mean he had her name tattooed on his arm. Then Ibrahim, how did I forget that? The day of the sprinkler incident I remember Alves telling him about their girlfriends. In a way I guess I got myself into this mess.

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