Chapter 75: Going to the party

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One of my favourite scenes ever! The party ones! :D

Plus here's a link to see what they wore :D Click here!

Enjoy! :D

P.S. I will try and reply to comments! I read them all and they really brighten my day! The fact that you guys take time to comment means a lot to me, so once again thanks to all of you :)

"He what?" Elena said not believing what she hearing.

"Ok not officially date style but he said he wants to hang out with me at the party. You know spend some private time," she said happily. I smiled at her but inside I felt myself hurt a bit. Didn't he just tell me not too long ago that he wanted to spend some time with me? I shook my head maybe all this was just me reading into everything wrong. Maybe he never liked me in that way and just meant spend time as a friend.

"She did what?!" Demi said angrily as I looked up.

"We're going to teach that Daniella a lesson," she said and I assumed Elena had filled her in on what had happened.

"Yeah but first I need to finish up my work," I said as they both nodded.

"Me too," Elena said.

"Make that three of us," Demi said as we all got to work.

Unfortunately all the events that happened today was still working on my mind so I wasn't being as efficient as possible. Time went by quickly and soon enough we went home. I figured I was better off staying up through the night to make sure I got my work finished.

"You sure you want to stay up?" Elena asked me before going to bed.

"Yeah, I'll email it in when I'm done and then sleep in," I said to her.

"Ok but not too late, you need your beauty sleep for tomorrow," she said happily," You know to turn Cesc on," she said.

"Elena!" I said shocked taking a pillow and throwing it at her as she dodged it.

"Ok fine to impress "someone" and let's be honest, every girl enjoys some attention," she said before going to bed. I needed to be careful at the party tomorrow. I'm sure she would try to lock me in a broom cupboard with someone alone. I would not put it past her or Demi.

I focused on my work and finally at about 3:00 in the morning I was basically finished with everything. By the time I proofread and got into bed it was 4:00 already. I decided to not set my alarm and just get up when I felt like it. I kept getting up and going back to sleep. I was being lazy but eventually when I decided to get out of bed I noticed it was already 12:00. I had some breakfast and cleared up when I heard Elena come through the door.

"You're home early," I told her with a smile.

"You just woke up" she said smiling noticing I was still in my pjs, "Yeah I finished early today! Still need to decide what to wear!" she said.

"Oh gosh!" I said not knowing how it slipped my mind.

"What?" she asked.

"I didn't go shopping with you guys, I need to find something to wear," I said starting to freak out. Elena gave me a smile.

"We forgot to give you something yesterday, wait here," Elena said as she went in to her room and came out with a packet.

"We had a feeling you might change your mind so we got you this," she said handing the packet to me, "We thought of you straight away." I took the packet from her and looked at what was inside. I smiled, it was amazing. It was a gold glittery waistcoat and it was very typically me.

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