Chapter 87: Batman and Robin

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Hi Everyone! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I got carried away with my bday :p

Anyway love to hear your thoughts on the story :)

Hope you have an amazing week! :D

I got up in a good mood. Everything seemed to be going well currently and it was the gala this Friday that I was pretty excited about it. A formal dinner party with the Barcelona players? It was like every girls dream, well for all the Barca fans at least. I showered, got dressed and we all walked to the metro station subconsciously. It had now become part of our daily routine. We all got to the office, now used to it as our working space and everyone split like normal.

"I'll see you for lunch?" Elena asked me.

"Yeah, Demi we'll see you?" I asked her just before she walked out.

"Sounds good," she smiled as she left with Elena.

This week's analysis was going to be a bit harder. We had an amazing game this past weekend but we were playing Valencia this week and it was at their home. Not to mention the gala on Friday night which could impact their energy levels. I noticed that I still needed a dress for it. Where was I going to go to find a beautiful dress but for a decent price? I would have to worry about that later, I needed to focus on this weekend's game first.

Valencia was a team that could beat us but more realistically speaking could draw with us. We can't be dropping points and that's why I was going to put in extra effort this week. I started analyzing videos of how they play. The were good at pressurizing teams and we needed to be careful of that. Time went by and I heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in," I said and smiled when I saw who it was.

"How are you this morning?" Ibrahim asked coming towards me with a smile.

"I'm good," I said honestly, "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm going to get in trouble if I don't get back to practice soon," he said as I smiled. He was in his training kit and I could tell they had been running a lot judging from the sweat. "But I know you like your coffee so I thought I'd bring you a cup," he said kind of shyly. I beamed at him and I had memories of when Cesc had brought me one.

"Gracias," I said happily.

"De nada," he said.

"Your Spanish is getting better," I joked.

He leaning forward while his hands were stretched on my desk and he was using it to support him.

"Hueles bien," he said as he leaned closer to my face. I gave him a confused smile because I had no clue what that meant. He seemed to pick it up.

"It means you smell nice," he said and I somehow couldn't control my body so I blushed.

"Thanks," I paused, "But you don't," I told him jokingly and he chuckled.

"You're right, I don't," he said. He stopped leaning on the desk and walked around the desk towards me.

"I was thinking we could go for lunch today, since I was busy yesterday," he said. I was about to say yes when I remembered I had already agreed to go with Cesc.

"I can't today," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I-," I paused, "Have to get my dress for the gala," I said quickly and I felt bad lying to him. I don't even know why I did lie to him. I should have told him the truth but I'm quite sure he would not have been happy with it.

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