Chapter 112: Before the Final Moments

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Hello has literally been more than a year and I can't believe how time moves so fast. So much has happened and I pretty much left out the writing side in my life. But I miss it. I never planned to not update this story but stuff happens. So here I am updating :D Next chapters are the last ones FINALLY!!!

Enjoy and thank you to all, if any of you are still out there :)

P.S. Any ARMYs out there? Thinking of future story ideas ;)

Also I will be carrying on with Not What It Seems... RIP Teen Wolf :'(

Any ideas, send them my way, I feel like I'm back to writing :D


It felt like it had been days till today arrived but at the same time it all came too fast. Today was El Clasico. The day our fate, my future was decided. I was not ready. I tried my best to keep psyching myself up for it but it was all too much. I made sure to not talk much to Cesc. We both needed to focus on what was important. At the same time I couldn't stop thinking about Leo and I couldn't figure out why.

I also could not shake this feeling that something was not right. I took a deep breath as all the thoughts kept running through my mind..

Everything will be fine.

I went to take a shower and get ready. I walked into the living room smiling at Elena but the minute I saw her face, I knew something was wrong.

"You need to see this," she said worriedly before I could say anything. I went to look at the TV.

"Are you sure?" The host asked Daniella.

"What is-," I said in shock not fully understanding what was going on..

"Just listen," Elena said sighing heavily.

"Yes, I am sure that she is pregnant," Daniella said confidently, " I cannot believe she coerced him to leave me. She tricked him I am sure of it."

"Who is she talking about?" I asked Elena but I was scared I already knew the answer. A second later it was confirmed.

"And you say this woman's name is Jade Avery?" the host asked. My eyes whipped back to the screen. She could not be saying what I thought she is saying.

"Yes, she has been working there, the past few months," Daniella said.

I was horrified, I had no words. I could not believe Daniella would go this far. Just how desperate was she?

"She's saying I'm pregnant?" I asked Elena but I knew the answer.

Elena switched off the TV.

"Look we're just going to have to ignore it, it's the Clasico," Elena said as normally as she could.

"Exactly!" I said enraged.

"Cesc does not need this, his performance will be a mess!" I freaked out immediately rushing to find my phone. I needed to call him and calm him down. I knew he would be losing his mind. I called him as quickly as possible.

"Jade I-," he said his tone full of sorrow.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned and I heard him chuckle.

"Me? I should be asking you that," he said, "I really did not think she would go this far."

"It's not your fault," I told him, "You need to focus on the game today, that is what matters."

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