Chapter 17: And now we wait...

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Elena and I got to the office and were immediately screamed at by the boys.

“Where have you guys been?!” Matt asked.

“It’s been an hour!” Nate said.

“No point we tell you, “Elena sighed.

“You wouldn’t believe us anyway,” I said.

“Wait,” Nate said as he eyed me skeptically, “Jade, where did you get that jacket?” Nate asked.

Elena and I looked at each other.

“You didn’t steal it did you?” Matt asked.

“No! Of course not! Um, Messi gave it to her,” Elena said softly knowing she sounded stupid.

“What?” Nate said as he stared at her in confusion.

“That’s even more unrealistic than meeting Cesc!” Matt said.

“Well it was his fault!” I said and then noticed how I sounded as stupid as Elena.

“You guys met him again?!” Nate asked.

“Well yeah him and the others,” Elena said knowing the guys will think we are crazy.

“Others?!” Matt asked.

“Yeah, Messi, Pique, Thiago and Afellay,” I said and thought how even more insane this sounded.

Matt and Nate looked at us as if we were lying.

“How could we have such nice food?!” Elena asked as she started showing it to them but knowing they would not be convinced.

“Where did you get this?” Matt asked.

“Cesc,” I said as they gave me a look, “He felt bad after he spilled all the hot coffee on me,” I said.

“Ok you know what we don’t have time for this, let’s all eat quickly and get back to work ok?” Nate said.

Once again they did not believe us but we couldn’t care. We knew it happened and we were too focused on our work to start an argument now. We all ate quickly and got back to work. After a couple of hours Matt and Nate decided to go get some snacks for all of us. It was 3 in the morning and we needed some food to keep us going.

“So they don’t believe us,” Elena said as they walked out the door.

“Total shocker,” I said sarcastically, “Are you that surprised?” I asked.

“Not really I guess, just annoyed,” Elena said.

“Plus I have to get this back to Messi,” I said pointing to my jacket. I still could not believe I was wearing The Messiah’s jacket. How did this happen? Then there was Ibrahim Afellay. My biggest crush. I made that clear after I just stared at him.

“Hello?” Elena said as she waved her hand in front of me.

“Oh, sorry,” I said coming out of my trance.

“So can I try the jacket on?” she asked desperately

“Well, I have nothing on underneath!” I said.

“So? It’s the Messiah’s jacket!” she said. We both laughed giddily.

“When we get home ok? But then I have to wash it and return it to him,” I said.

“Oh fine,” she said, “But wow.”

“I know,” I said.

“I just cannot believe how Cesc was so concerned,” she said.

“Yeah and then we even kinda screamed at them and he still said it’s not our fault!” I said.

“Yeah, but Afellay,” she said as she stared at me.

“I know I was so frozen! I could barely think or concentrate!” I said.

“You were all starry eyed and you were like um you um um so hot um um,” she said mocking me.

“I probably was,” I said laughing with her. “But you know what I found most interesting?” I asked her.

“Hmm, that you did not faint?” Elena asked.

“No. Though it’s a good point but the way Thiago looked at you,” I said.

She gave me a confused look.

“What are you talking about?” she asked.

“He always spoke to you,” I said.

“Yeah well Afellay always spoke to you,” she said.

“Really?!” I asked, “Wait, that’s not the point. Seriously Thiago kept looking at you and no one else.”

“Jade, I think we were both in such shock that we are probably overanalyzing everything,” she said.

“You’re probably right,” I sighed.

Just then the door opened as Matt and Nate walked in.

“It was so cool! We saw Ronaldo,” Matt said sarcastically.

“Yeah along with Casillas and Ramos. They gave us some tips,” Nate said as sarcastically.

Elena and I ignored them as we took our snacks and carried on with our work. The hours just went by and before we knew it, it was already 8:30 in the morning.

“Are you almost finished?” I asked Elena.

“Yeah just doing spell check! We need to print it though!” she said.

Just then Ricardo came through the door.

“So my amigos, are you finished?” he asked.

“I am,” Nate said.

“Me too,” Matt said.

“We just need to print!” Elena said.

“Let me help you,” Ricardo said.

He helped us all connect to the printer’s wireless network and we all sent our documents.

“I’ll go fetch it,” Ricardo said as he went out the door.

“That guy is a lifesaver,” Matt said.

“Yeah,” Nate said.

I was nervous; even though Ricardo was only gone for 2 minutes it felt like 20. If the reports were late then all the work would have been for nothing. I looked at my FC Barcelona watch and checked the time. It was 8:45! Where was Ricardo?! I looked up as I saw Ricardo come through the door. I felt so relived.

“Thank you!” I said.

“No problema,” he said as he handed each of us our work. “I’m sure your mentors will be here soon. Oh and Jade I like your jacket,” he smiled as he walked out the door.

I smiled back. This jacket was no ordinary jacket; it belonged to Messi, best player in the world. I began to think about how Elena and I had met them. The more I think about it, the more unreal it seems.

“Jade,” Elena said.

“Huh?” I replied coming out of my trance.

“They are here!” she said.

“Oh!” I said. This was it.

“Ola everyone,” Arbelardo said as he stood by the door. “You can all hand in your assignments to me and I will make sure that I get them to each of your mentors.”

We all handed in our assignments to him.

“Gracias,” he said and began to turn around.

“Excuse me,” Matt began to say, “What work should we get started on now?”

Arbelardo turned to look at all of us and smiled.

“We will assess your reports and you will know by Sunday night if you will be working here or not. For now you are free,” he said and then began to walk away.

All that was left for us to do is wait.

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