Chapter 64: Comforting Cesc

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A/N: Hey everyone! I am so so sorry this update is soooooooooooooo late! To make up for it I have posted another chapter :p All you cesc/jade lovers should enjoy this :) Anyway I noticed that many of you have been commenting and favoriting and I would like to say thank you so much. To you it's just a couple of words but they really brighten my day and let me know you guys are really enjoying the story :) I will try and respond to all of them :) Love you all <3

I slowly walked back up to the office. I could not believe how I had embarrassed myself in front of the Pep Guadiola. I could not begin to imagine what he thought of me now. I had just begun walking to my desk when Ricardo was at the door.

“Jade?” Ricardo said and I could see it was not good news

“Yeah? What’s wrong?” I asked him. He looked at me sadly and I had a feeling it was about me.

“The board wants to see you at 12:00,” he said pausing as I looked at him for an explanation. “Alexander is charging you for physical assault.”

I could not believe what I had just heard.

“What?! That’s absurd!” I said angrily. That stupid idiot hurts me and he charging me? How was this happening?

“I’m sorry Jade,” Ricardo said sounding sympathetic, “What happened? ” he asked me. I told him about everything and he listened to me.

“I hate him. I am so sorry Jade, this is all him. He knows he can get away with it that’s why he does it. He sabotages anyone that stands up to him,” he said shaking his head disapprovingly. “I’ll try and do what I can,” he said as I nodded. “Stay strong ok?” he said and he left.

I couldn’t believe it. My whole dream, my internship was about to be turned to dust. Let’s face it Alexander knew that because of his status he could get away with anything and he would always be bailed out. Just because his surname was Cruyff. It was not fair but what could I do? I hit him and evn thought he hurt me he can claim I assaulted him. I heard the door open and I just prayed it was not Alexander. I would punch him and not just once, since I was being charged anyway might as well make it worth it. I was so angry but so disappointed at the same time.

“Jade?” I heard Cesc say. I turned around to face him. I tried but I could not even give him a smile. I always do that, I am always the happy one but I couldn’t put out that charade in front of Cesc. I just knew there was no point.  I couldn’t hide how I was feeling now: depressed, sad and furious. He walked slowly towards me and had that caring look in his eyes.

“Jade,” he said comfortingly, gently grabbing me and holding me closer to him. I didn’t fight it off, because the truth was it made me feel better. At this point it would be the last hug I would get from Cesc so I was going to enjoy it.  I stood there in his arms as if it was normal and I knew it was not the normal duration of a friendly hug but it didn’t matter, not at this moment. I felt Cesc’s arms slowly unwrap from around me.

“I know something is wrong Jade, you look so sad, what is it?” Cesc asked after he let go of me.

“I have to meet with the board at 12:00, ” I said pausing as he looked at me for an explanation, “I’m being charged for physical assault,” I said quietly but you could hear the anger in my voice.

“You are what!?” he said getting very angry. “No you are not, he hurt you!” Cesc said emotionally.

“I know but he is related to Cruyff, so it’s nepotism,” I said to him.

“No,” he said beginning to pace in front of me, “No,” he said again.

“I will not let this happen,” he said firmly. I appreciated his gesture but what could he do? He was not there the first time. He did get my laptop back for me but he didn’t see Alexander take it. In fact no one did so that was my word against Alexander’s. Or more just Alexander’s since he would favored.  It seemed he was thinking very hard about a plan when all of a sudden he stopped pacing. I saw his eyes light up and he turned to look at me.

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