Chapter 67: Thinking...

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“See? Everything went well!” Elena said hugging me while Demi joined us.

“Matt!” I said seeing him come out. I went up to hug him immediately, “Thank you!”

“I barely did anything,” he said shrugging.

“You gave me confidence and that’s good enough,” I told him as he smiled. I saw Nate coming out behind him and gave him a smile. I could see he looked relieved for me.

“You,” I heard a bitter voice say as we all turned around to face Alexander.

“Do you know what I am going to do to you?” he told me threateningly as I stared him straight in the eyes.

“Please, tell us,” Alexis said standing next to me and once again Alexander’s demeanor shrunk and became one of a child. Leo came to stand by us as well.

“Touch her again and it will be the last thing you ever do,” Cesc said to him in a deadly tone. Alexander barely nodded and walked off. It was funny, he acts so arrogant in front of everyone but put the players of Barcelona in front of him and he becomes this weak character.

“Thank you guys so much,” I said hugging Leo first. It was a very brief hug because Leo was in a rush.

“I’m glad everything is sorted Jade, I’m so sorry but I must rush to practice,” Leo said apologizing.

“It’s ok, I can’t thank you enough,” I said knowing he had to have skipped some practice to come but I thought about what he said earlier and it was true. No matter what he did Pep would always play him.

“I’ll see you later,” Leo said as he rushed out.

“Thanks Cesc,” I said going in for a quick hug but he held on a bit longer.

“I’m happy you’re ok Jade,” he said to me quietly while still holding me.

“Cesc,” I said as he was still hugging me.

“Yes?” he asked.

“I don’t want to be rude but you don’t exactly smell that great,” I said with a bit of a laugh. I couldn’t help it but it was the truth, I mean he was at training just a while ago.

“Oh sorry,” he said becoming self conscious and letting go of me immediately.

“It’s ok,” I said with a smile, “But you better get back to practice, you missed so much already,” I told him as he sighed.

“Yeah, I’ll see you later,” he said as he left but I could tell there was something about him. It just seemed like he wanted to stay.

“We are amazing!” Demi said happily, “Im so happy we showed him who he messed with.”

“Thanks guys, I love you all,” I said to them.

“Ok group hug again!” Matt said as we all hugged each other.

“I hate to be annoying but-,” Matt said.

“Since when? You love it,” Elena told him.

 “Ok but I am actually late for meetings,” Matt said.

“But you’re always late for meetings,” Elena said as Matt gave her a look.

“It’s ok,” I said laughing at the two of them “You better go, thanks for everything,” I said to him as he left. The others mentioned similar things and I greeted them all off. I was alone but I felt good, like I had won a battle. I hoped that from now on Alexander would us alone but I also knew its Alexander we were talking about and I had a feeling it wasn’t over. Well at least for now it was.

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