Chapter 65: One Girl, 2 Guys

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Sorry about this chapter not being uploaded yesterday, the wifi didn't reach my room XD

Anyway here it is so enjoy :)


Demi was on her way to the field to find Alexis after just having a meeting with the advertising management. Now that he was with Barcelona both Nike and Adidas wanted a deal with him. The advertising management was reluctant to give the job to her and felt she did not have the experience but she was going to prove them wrong. That was Demi, if she was determined she would work hard to get what she wants. She already thought of what she was going to do in the office when she was listening to what they were saying. She thought if she spoke to Alexis directly then he could advocate for her and inform them that he wanted her to represent him. Well that’s what she was hoping for. She was walking around the stadium when she heard an odd sound from behind her.

“Well this is a nice surprise,” Alexis said leaning on one crutch smiling at her. She smiled at Alexis but then noticed he was on crutches and she instantly remembered that weekend’s match.

“How long are you out for?” she asked saddened by his injury.

“3 weeks,” Alexis said sighing.

“It’s ok, you’ll be back in no time,” Demi told him with a positive smile.

“You three girls, you are all so positive,” he said with a pause, “It’s nice, we need you all here.” Demi smiled at his words assuming he must have saw Elena and Jade earlier. Demi was not too sure how to ask him about the whole advertising thing so she thought the best way was to just be direct.

“I was actually looking for you,” Demi said slowly looking at him.

“Oh really?” Alexis said flirtatiously as Demi shook her head and looked down coyly. She couldn’t help it but she really did have a crush on him and it wasn’t going anywhere soon. She composed herself and put out her professional demeanor as best as she could.

“I wanted to talk about your advertising deals,” she told him as he listened to her noticing her slight change in demeanor.

“I don’t really have any,” he said with a small laugh.

“Well now that you’re with Barca, you have to decide who you want as your sponsor, they both have made offers to sign you,” she told him informatively, “Nike and Adidas.”

“Really?” he said his face lighting up. “I haven’t really thought about it,” he said now beginning to think about it.

“Well currently Barcelona is sponsored by Nike,” she told him.

“So I should go with Nike then?” he asked her not too sure about the situation.

“Not necessarily, Villa and Messi are with Adidas,” she said as he nodded at her.

“What do you think I should do?” Alexis asked her. At this point Demi wasn’t too sure herself with which one he should he go with.

“Cause I trust your judgment,” Alexis said to her.

“To be honest I’m not too sure but I’ll check for you,” she said to him.

“You sure?” he asked her.

“It’s part of my job,” Demi said happily, “But I guess you could speak to Villa or Messi about Adidas and Iniesta or Pique about Nike. I’m sure there opinions will help you.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Alexis said smiling again, “Thanks, Dem, I really appreciate it,” Alexis said looking at her genuinely thankful. Demi felt herself blush a little. Did he just call me Dem? Demi smiled happily hearing Alexis call her his own nickname.

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