Chapter 59: Checking Alexis Out...

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Thank you all for you great comments :D Means so much! 

Also please check out my other stories :p One of them is a Teen Wolf/Vampire Diaries crossover and the other you might enjoy if you like Interns :p




“May I help you?” A male asked me.

“I-,” I said not knowing what to say.

“There you are, I have been waiting for you,” Elena said, “She’s with me,” she said to the male as he gave me a skeptical look but then slowly nodded and walked on.

“Thank you,” I said quietly.

“Anytime,” she whispered back, “Alexis should be here soon, come wait in the room.”

I followed her to the examination room and we only waited about 2 minutes before Alexis came.

“You sure you are ok?” we heard a woman ask outside the door.

“I’m fine, I can walk by myself. Thank you,” I heard Alexis say from outside the room. Elena and I watched him as he entered the room with crutches.

“You know they are low on staff today and I don’t really know how good the intern is,” we heard her say.

“Intern?” Alexis asked as he looked into the room, “Elena and Jade?” he said slightly surprised. “It seems I’m feeling better already,” he said smiling as we both smiled along with him.

“How are you?” I asked him, “I’m sure you’re still in pain.”

“Well I have been better since Saturday but at least I am speaking to reasonable people who will approve me for tomorrow’s match,” he said. I looked at Elena and I could tell she was not too sure she could. “There really isn’t that much pain.”

“Well let’s see how bad it is,” Elena said walking over to Alexis.

“So how have you two been?” he asked us.

“I’ve been good thanks, “she said.

“Me too,” I said to him as he nodded happily. It was odd, he was injured yet he still seemed cheerful.

 “Could you please sit on the bed?” Elena asked him kindly.

“Sure,” Alexis said sitting down.

“Ok so I’ll just need to assess how bad your injury is and then we can decide when you are allowed to play,” Elena said as Alexis nodded.

“Look it’s not that bad, it barely even hurts,” he said and I just knew he was lying. I think he was just desperate to play in tomorrow’s match.

“Well that’s good news,” Elena said but I knew she wasn’t too sure he was telling the truth either.

“Ok I’m going to apply pressure to the injured area to see if it hurts,” she said as he nodded, “It might be painful,” she said warning him.

“I’ll be fine,” he said and then Elena began to push and he didn’t make a sound but I could tell he was in pain. He was fighting it. She stopped and then looked around the room.

“So I’m good to go?” Alexis said happily.

“I just need to do a few more tests,” and I knew she knew that he was in pain. “They didn’t leave any of the appliances in here,” she said, “Ok I’m just going to fetch some, I’ll be back soon.”

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