Chapter 98: How Much Worse Can It Get?

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Hey guys! So sorry for the delay! I actually updating this at the airport because I know you have all been waiting for it!


What had just happened? It almost felt like I was dreaming and that I needed to wake up. Just a few hours ago Cesc told me he had feelings for me and I saw him break up with Daniella. Now he just told me I was exactly like her and he agreed that we shouldn't see each other. I didn't know how to react, what had happened? Something must have, especially because Nate came to speak to me earlier and he had been so cryptic but he was right. Cesc did hurt me and Nate knew he would. So what caused this change? I knew it had to be something.

"So, what is the good news you have to tell me?" Elena said walking in with an excited smile on her face but when she saw my expression she knew something was wrong.

"I don't get it," I told her, "It doesn't make any sense and he's angry at me but I had to be honest! Especially after what the board told me! I couldn't risk it," I told her hoping she would understand. She looked at me puzzled.

"Jade, what happened?" she asked concerned and I realised she didn't know any of it.

Clever Jade.

"You said you wanted to tell me something important and not over the phone," she said unsure and I did. I was supposed to tell her the good news about Cesc but obviously now it wasn't.

"Well I don't think it means much anymore," I said sadly and she looked at me to carry on.

"Cesc told me he has feelings for me," I said sadly and her eyes lit up but then slowly faded when she saw my face.

"Well to be fair, I think everyone knew," she said, "But you should be happy right? Or are you still in denial about liking him?"

"No, I'm not," I said flatly and she looked at me confused.

"Ok why are you not denying it?" she asked sceptically.

"Because it doesn't matter," I said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"He just called me now and agreed that we should not see each other," I said.

"That's like a full one eighty of what you guys want," she said confused, "So why would he say that?"

"It's because Pep asked me if he should play this weekend," I said.

"I don't understand, obviously you said he should," she said but then she spoke unsure, "Right?"

"I said he has been improving a lot but with all that has happened, he might not be in the right frame of mind," I said. I could see she was in shock but she did a good job of hiding it and just nodded.

"Because of the board meeting, I couldn't lie Elena. Plus Pep knew I might, he even told me "I'm asking you as an intern not as Cesc's friend." What else was I supposed to do?" I asked her helpless.

"I understand why you did it," she said.

"Yeah well now Cesc hates me," I said sadly.

"He doesn't hate you," she said supportively.

"You didn't hear him on the phone," I said.

"He doesn't hate you, no matter how hard he tried, he never could," she said.

"But I just feel there is something else," I said, "Nate came to speak to me this morning about Cesc."

"Nate spoke to you about Cesc?" she asked surprised as I nodded.

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